Well-Timed Block nodes

benshbbenshb Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
edited September 2021 in General Discussion
There are more and more nodes, where we need well-timed blocks for a certain effect to happen, either if it's a positive or a negative effect. For example, in the most recent EQ chapter 3.2 (the Tech/Nimrod chapter) there are 2 nodes:
  • Positive - Power Technician: tech attackers who have armor up buff will power drain in well-timed blocks
  • Negative - Hard Knock Life: every time the attacker performs a well-timed block they gain a passive disorient
Both of these nodes are sometimes works, sometimes not, which is quite frustrating (especially those which benefit the player). My best bet is because of the Pacify mastery, which reduces ability accuracy during stuns.

But why does it have to? There are other nodes, which AAR doesn't affect, like the Rage 2.5 node in war.

Question is: can this AAR prevention be added to nodes which require well timed blocks?

Well-Timed Block nodes 23 votes

AAR should effect nodes
DrZolaYoMovesOliverJWCupidyuwjoke1004VoltolosEtjamaIron_Patriot_is_litGuyGardnerZan0ZeuszeroHoitadoScrubhanThe_Sentry06RiptideCmaroMarvelFan352 18 votes
AAR should NOT effect nodes
benshbColonaut123Doctor_Strange19ChikelDetective_Pikachu 5 votes


  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,285 ★★★★
    AAR should effect nodes
    The Pacify giveth, the Pacify taketh away....

    And I'm fine with it. There's always another way.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    AAR should NOT effect nodes
    YoMoves said:

    The Pacify giveth, the Pacify taketh away....

    And I'm fine with it. There's always another way.

    Except that the mutant node was reworked to prevent AAR from affecting. Why can't the same be done for the tech node? I hate it every time I have to explore cav eq especially since they seem to love placing it on the last quest
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