I was kicked 3 days before aw season is over

I was active all season and aq all the time.
Super unfair that im not alligeble for aw season rewards...
Gold 3 alliance
Super unfair that im not alligeble for aw season rewards...
Gold 3 alliance
I've never kicked anyone who was semi decent, and certainly not just before rewards drop.
But I have kicked people at the end of season (very rarely), if they constantly do things like: fail to communicate, take the wrong path when they're assigned, don't bring counters and get hung up, don't place and only join attack, talk **** to others in the ally when someone has given constructive feedback about the things they're doing wrong, etc.
And each ally and level of seriousness is different. Some allies don't out up with any mistakes. Some let a few slide. Some don't care at all.
My guess, you did something. If you don't know what it is, then that's already the problem, because rules were probably set or expectations given and you didn't meet them.
Did it have anything to do with the messages that Kabam mailed everyone today? If they suspect anyone of doing something they're not supposed to, you can bet some allies will drop a potential suspect to remove that liability too.
Message the leader or the officers and ask them why. That's where you'll get your answer.
G3 and above need some coordination and they like ppl who contribute.
You either made someone angry, pushed someone too much or didn't do as asked in some event (s).
Bad luck. What's your LineID, maybe I can see if we have space for your account.
So there is definitely the possibility that kicks happen simply because the officer/leader is a jerk.
Still 6 hrs should not be that big issue.If any player is moving 3 times in 24 hrs then map 5 exploration isn't that headache.
Can’t wait for part 3 of this story.