Fix: Duping a Max Sig 6 Star Champ

Given all the sig stone chasing in the game right now a number of us have 10 or more champs with sig 200. When we spend our hard earned money or shards on champs only to get a dupe of a max sig champions all we get is gold and iso (roughly the same gold and iso as duping a 5*). What a huge let down … can you please add something more rewarding (perhaps 5 or 10 sig stones of that class OR another spin of the crystal OR rank up materials like T5CC)???
As the game goes on this will become a bigger and bigger problem for players as they max out their champs.
And please don’t say 7* champs are around the corner, as most of us will straight up quit the game.
As the game goes on this will become a bigger and bigger problem for players as they max out their champs.
And please don’t say 7* champs are around the corner, as most of us will straight up quit the game.