Cav EQ - Power Technician Bug?
Member Posts: 424 ★★
I’ve noticed after running several lanes in Cav EQ that Hulkbuster isn’t power draining / gaining furies as he should. I’ve noticed this on multiple devices as well. Unsure if I’m missing something here.
I'm not sure if it should be this unreliable, though.
Would be great to have any communication regarding which nodes are affected by AAR. Some nodes state right in the description, others do not. Some that state they aren’t affected by it, but actually are.
The inconsistencies are quite vast.
I'm not sure if or why this might break the node, but just in case - can you try the quest with a different, more basic Tech champ like Iron Man who doesn't affect Ability Accuracy?
For each armor up, HB applies -20% OAAR. This means parry and other offensive abilities are affected. You won't have the issues again because you're only experiencing it with HB.
Warlock's OAAR only happens if the opponent is Infected, but I'll assume that's the case here anyway.
I don't know what else it could be.
I’m not certain the game team knows each instance where and how AAR operates. Not intended as a slight, but the game is a complicated set of interacting bits of code written over time and again. Programmers come and go. And many of them “know” the game from a programmer’ POV, but not from a player’s.
Personally, I have no issue with AAR being a double edged sword. It makes the game interesting in a lot of ways.
My issue (a long-running one) is the absence of reliable documentation for many areas of the game. I’ve concluded that’s not because the team doesn’t want to provide it, but rather that they aren’t really able given all the ins and outs of the code and game interactions and changing faces on the team.
Just my views.
Dr. Zola