6 Star Rank 3 Question (Pleaseee do Vote and Comment if u want)

CaptainDonCaptainDon Member Posts: 74
Excited for #thronebreaker Title benefits and obviously to rank 3 - 6 star champ. :)
1) I'm not going to unlock suicide mastery setup bcoz don't have much suicide friendly champs + It's really costly setup for me.
2) Also I don't have apocalypse in roster. Not even 2 star, 3 star or 4 star.

6 Star Rank 3 Question (Pleaseee do Vote and Comment if u want) 43 votes

6 Star Duped Omega Red (Sig lvl 40) to Rank 3
SpeedbumpAjay121GrueneMicOliverJWMasterduxBrokenpseudosaneMoosetiptronicBattle_GreninjaChampioncriticJuggerNotRockypantherxStevieManWonderEtjamaEwell65SSS69Peke20RenaxqqRax38SL1229Bolland 27 votes
6 Star Unduped Gambit to Rank 3
Ackbar67o_oWill3808 3 votes
Wait for better champ (Like - Apoc, Red Mag, Domino, Archangel, Colossus, Stryfe, Prof X, Havok, Cable and Sunspot)
Blackfriar63causticm4ciekkNo_oneukFiiNCHJoshua_EiversDawsManMikeymonstesmagnus_xixTheBoogyManCangaceiroDrDrillMutantA___4444 13 votes


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    6 Star Duped Omega Red (Sig lvl 40) to Rank 3
    i'd say duped Omega red is decent enough to deserve a R3. If it had been unduped i would have voted to wait for someone better.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    6 Star Duped Omega Red (Sig lvl 40) to Rank 3
    Id go omega and focus on mutant sig stones for him. TB opens up floodgates.
  • m4ciekkm4ciekk Member Posts: 96
    Wait for better champ (Like - Apoc, Red Mag, Domino, Archangel, Colossus, Stryfe, Prof X, Havok, Cable and Sunspot)
    From all my mutants I have got R5 or R2/3 such as Colossus, Prof X, AA, Apoc, Domino, Namor, Magneto, Omega Red is the one I use the least. I don't run suicides as well. I use him only when I need to boost Colosss' damage
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    6 Star Duped Omega Red (Sig lvl 40) to Rank 3
    @CaptainDon you need a rank 3 for TB and once you get one, others follow MUCH faster. So bite the bullet.

    For Omega, even without suicides, if you have a 5* sabertooth, Omega is unreal. Pump your Sig's into him and don't look back. It may even prompt you to save for suicides in the long run. Omega is simply that good.

    Omega or diablo, I'd swap all of my duped 6* CGR, duped 6* Roblin and duped 6* domino for in a heart beat.
  • CaptainDonCaptainDon Member Posts: 74
    @Moosetiptronic @m4ciekk @pseudosane @Championcritic thank you guys for d reply :) also thnx to d people who vote :)
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    6 Star Duped Omega Red (Sig lvl 40) to Rank 3
    Just get to TB
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