Doom or BWCV R3?

OliverJWOliverJW Member Posts: 18
I'll be closing my mystic cc5 this week and I want to start completion and exploration of act 7 now that I've completed all variants and explored some. Which one in R3 will be most beneficial for act 7? The other will get R2.
I already have Doom R5, but I saw that it's better to use the 6* in act 7.

Doom or BWCV R3? 12 votes

Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
GrueneMicRenaxqqRax38Dkcody42Cmaro 5 votes
Ajay121causticAmazing_Demon05Sarvanga1_FiiNCHBollandDraconic_12 7 votes


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