Add a Crystal Opening Forum Thread under "Categories"!

Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
While I do like Crystal Openings from time to time, even though it makes me sad when comparing to my terrible pulls lol, I think they have become excessive and kind of clog general discussion. Especially when there are people that consistently spam the forum with every pull they get (a 4 star nexus appeared on here the other day...).

These threads occur daily and often. Events like AW season rewards, Greater gifting crystals, July pulls, spring cleaning, SOP etc. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Due to the spam, negativity is regularly seen on these posts due to the annoyance of them in general discussion. Everyone loves a good pull and wants to feel good about it and brag, or post a bad pull to try and diminish some of the pain after grinding for six star shards and receiving Groot (future beyond god tier in the making)! Its part of the game and keeps us going! (or quitting! lol).

I think a nice quality of life change to the forums would be making a separate thread under categories labelled "Crystal Pulls" - or something else I'm not stuck on the name! I think it would satisfy those annoyed, and those that want to post their pulls. It would free up general discussions and keep general discussions what it is supposed to, discussions about the game not about everyone's pulls.

Curious as to others opinions on this is as well as if Kabam has thought about implementing something like this before!

Sorry if this was a read!


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    most of them are fine.

    The ones that get hate are like the 4* nexus you mentioned when the same person posts multiple threads of different crystal openings and seems to be oblivious to the fact that everyone wants them to stop and doesn’t care for their pulls
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Most people only post a few massive or major crystal opening. Of course there are some who decide to post almost every pull. And usually when there is some sort of mass crystal (SOP rewards or event cavs) someone or the other makes a megathread on it.

    Your idea is pretty good, for sure. It would certainly declutter the General Discussions area.

    But the main issue is, some people will take it as a green light to post every single crystal pull, and a majority of these will end up in General anyway, as not many people bother putting threads in the right categories, unless moved.
    So instead of alleviating the problem, it will multiply the very issue it tries to curb.
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