Angela sig not working as worded

Just fought Ibom. Max sig Angela vs sig 80 ibom. At 4 buffs she is still having poison linger. Thats 140% to damage taking debuffs vs 28% debuff increase. Should be 0 poison damage. A

Odin. Prefight meaning I start the fight with. But it is what it is
Edit: meaning u need more than 4 buffs no bug nothing wrong with sig anything with extra duration means u need more buffs than normal
@Bendy come again?
Edit: other than that im not sure why urs aint working its like theres extra duration on extra duration somewhere thats making it more if odins buffs were active then im sure there wouldnt be a problem but i am really not sure whats going on, what device do u play on by any chance
If Angela reduces duration by 100%, then that means what the mathematical sum is, is this:
Debuff duration - 100% of debuff duration = 0
Let’s say the debuff lasts 10 seconds.
10 - 100% of 10 = 0
Straight forward, I know. But if that debuff duration has increased duration, then I imagine the sum turns into this
increased duration amount * debuff duration - 100% of debuff duration
I’d imagine Angela only reduces the duration by its original value, and not the new increased one. So if we had an increased duration of 30%, we would have the following sum:
130% of 10 - 100% of 10 = 13 - 10 = 3
So that’s why Angela can still have duration of a debuff.
Now what I don’t get, is that with a sig 200 Angela, you have 35% reduced duration with each buff, meaning 140% total reduction with the 4 buffs.
And this Abom you fought has 22% increased duration. Meaning it should be
122% of debuff - 140% of debuff = 0 duration.
So I have two theories. One, you didn’t have 4 buffs when the poisons triggered, and if you did trigger them with 4 buffs then they would have 0 duration. But just correct me if that’s not true. Or two, Angela’s reduction doesn’t increase above 100%. So 3 buffs is 100%, 4 buffs is 100% etc etc. I mean i guess also it could be bugged, but I’m not sure.
The two fury buffs were probably triggered recently, since he’s only just above a bar of power. That means he likely had an armour up buff from being below 1 bar of power, an armour up buff that you can still see on the screenshot and potentially a regen. That’s looking like 3 buffs when those poisons were triggered.
I’d also guess that the poisons were what triggered the regen, by taking off some of Angela’s health. Based on the around 3 seconds of regen duration left, meaning it occurred 7 seconds ago. And the duration of poison remaining means (based on some quick maths) that just over 25% duration of the poison gone means it’s been ticking for over 7.6 seconds with a 30.5 total second duration. So if the poison has been ticking longer than the regen, then that means the regen buff wasn’t there when the poison triggered.
Then it seems like only the two armour buffs would have been active, so there was only a 70% duration reduction.
Esit also if the poisons did trigger the regen and he only just had fury buffs active it would mean there be only 35% duration missing from the 123% of aboms so still around 70% duration that can be reduced if poisons were triggered after the armor buff