Iso scarcity and duping champion reward change idea

Okay, so I am only an uncollected player but when I duped my first few 5*s it occurred to me how ridiculous the duping rewards are. So if you dupe a 4* you get 24 their 5 iso bricks as well as a bit of gold. Decent iso for duping a 4* IMO. But then, for duping a 5*, which takes a lot longer to acquire compared to a 4*, you get the exact same amount of iso! I would have expected at least 45 if not 50 their 5 iso bricks for duping rewards! Then finally, a 6* dupe. Very hard to acquire for FTP player's and still not "easy" for pay to play people. You get the SAME AMOUNT OF ISO as a 4*!!! As well as no shards whatsoever. Considering how much iso it takes to rank up a 6*, at least 60 or 70 iso bricks would be suitable for duping a 6* and then also 275 6* shards back on top of that. Not sure how everyone else feels about this but I'd love to know.
I think if you have achieved the thronebreaker title, 5 and 6 star dupes should provide double the iso you get from a 4 star. That's just my take on it.
And about iso in general, they should add some form of content that gives a good amount of iso every few days a week or so, since it is much harder to get iso than gold or even the catalysts, which they have been doing a good job with lately, in all the content.
Something like the daily class catalysts quest but with actually decent rewards in terms of iso, since these quests offer barely, literally barely any.
The best I could propose without being greedy
24 5k 4* = 120k (not used on specific class type)
36 5k 5* = 180k
14 17.5k 6*= 245k.
If Kabam did buff the ISO that's as far as I imagine that they would do it if I'm being realistic.
I suspect Kabam hasn't changed the iso earned because lack of iso maintains need to gain crystals, which keeps players playing content. Also iso usage drains gold which cold lead to another deficit.