Should the champions we vote for be better than the champions we don't? (Herc and Guilly talk)
I would love to see Guillotine be really good.
We (the Community) voted for Hercules and we got an amazing champion added to the contest.
And now, the Community has voted for Guillotine for a buff, so i would love to see some justice for her.
I don't want her (Although I won't complain) to be as good as Hercules, but I feel as the champions WE choose, should be buffed better than the ones we don't choose.
I'm not posting this because I have her as an sig 200 6-Star, I think she's the only mystic i have no star version of, so this is me just being openly honest about what I think.
Let me know what you think! - Should the champions WE choose, have better damage and utility than champions that get added without our knowledge?
We (the Community) voted for Hercules and we got an amazing champion added to the contest.
And now, the Community has voted for Guillotine for a buff, so i would love to see some justice for her.
I don't want her (Although I won't complain) to be as good as Hercules, but I feel as the champions WE choose, should be buffed better than the ones we don't choose.
I'm not posting this because I have her as an sig 200 6-Star, I think she's the only mystic i have no star version of, so this is me just being openly honest about what I think.
Let me know what you think! - Should the champions WE choose, have better damage and utility than champions that get added without our knowledge?
But that isn't the question.
I asked, Should they be BETTER.
As far as the quality, there’s no consistency there. As long as they’re usable and dependable I will be happy with the buff.