Should MCOC make a second use for Soul Boosts after this month? A soul boost store, or other uses?

You and me both brother. We all have WAYYYYY to many soul boosts compared to how many are actually needed for Heroic for lower tier players, OR for master with upper tier players. Should Kabam put in a store or event to use them in next month?
Should MCOC make a second use for Soul Boosts after this month? A soul boost store, or other uses? 44 votes
I have 60 of those items and that stupid blue item I didn’t sell. Both options for the blue item are absolutely horrible. (Master and heroic explorered 100%, only completed normal)
Everyone should be complaining about the dumb crystal we get from the Halloween calendar that gives us 5 of those items. Anyone could run beginner first level 5 times and get 5 more red items.
Agreed. That was a cop-out on Kabam's part.