6.3.1 Black Bolt advice please

Should I bring along Diablo or Human Torch ? Which of this two would work against him? I don't seem to have any other options to counter him besides warlock.
What about Mag X or Hyperion?
- Hood with invisibility.
- Hype with easily accessible power gain and sp intercept.
- Mag X for passive stun.
- I used Stryfe - His invisibility allowed me to knock him down without parrying.
- Prof X
- Domino + Massacre
- NF with unblockable
- KP with unstoppable on heavy
- Thing with unstoppable and unblockable
- Dragon Man
- Maybe Vulture with his miss mechanic though I'm not sure how that works.
- Doom of course wrecks that fight
Personally i used colossus when i did completion and he worked pretty well, but you want to NOT parry until BB is about to die ^_^ I also just fully explored this quest (finished ten minutes ago ^_^) and i successfully one-shotted him with Cap IW, Doom, Sorcerer, Prof. X and White Mags, but i used the pre-fight to make my life easier, so i'm not sure how viable they are without being able to freely parry ^^"
Btw, Destroyed medussa as well with Warlock