New Player - Struggling - Comp for only Alliance Wars?

As a new player that started in July it took me awhile to notice the parry, dex and lag between actions bugs. Sometimes commands are not even registering (though rarely). This didn't become annoying until act 4. I did make it through this act and now working on act 5. Now these bugs are becoming very annoying. Missing a Parry and Dex means you are dumping a plat for heals and resurects. There was times this morning I would even hold block for what seemed like 1 second and my character would not even go into the block animation. Now I am no top player, after 2 months but I can parry most of the time when **** is working. I can even notice when my parry should have landed bug block lagged. Dex'ing well I am getting better but is much harder for me for some reason. Game likes to register my swips as a taps to often.

What I find even more annoying is the compensation (I appreciate that the devs are at least doing something) is for Alliance Wars. (I guess Alliance War is the true and only recognized end game?) The reality is most low level guilds do not really do anything with these Wars and us low levels do not have the champion depth to really play it. In the mean time we are dumping massive amounts of plat into res and heals every time we miss a parry, dex, or the game just doesn't FREAKING respond.

I know this is a bit of a rant but it has been months and no progress or fix in site. I am having a very hard time justifying spending any more real money on this game until this is fixed. I honestly would have quit in Aug but I have some family that plays and are encouraging me to 'wait for the fix'.

I almost never post in game forums but I am nearly at wits-end.

Playing on:
Samsung S20 Ultra

1. PLEASE fix the bug.
2. Don't for get about new players or those that are trying to progress.

I am not sure if this helps but I notice the games response seems to be much worse during primetime than in off hours (3-5am). Is there issues with server load/lag?
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