Unduped kingpin with suicide worth r3?

I have a skill t5cc that has been sitting for more than 6 months, thinking of taking up my Kingpin but unsure of how well he handles suicide with reduced regen rate, I have used him for SOP but not throughly in regular quest. My 6 star skill roster is here
. This is not for TB rank up, I currently have 5 r3.

Unduped kingpin with suicide worth r3? 63 votes
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
Such an Overrated Champion IMO.
If for fun then I understand but she isn’t really good and definitely not Rank 3 Worthy unless again it’s for fun
New 6* featured crystal will be available soon. Maybe hold off to see if Fury is in it.
The t5c isn't in overflow, so it's not like it's gonna expire on you. I know waiting can be a real killer, but it'd suck to pull a better champ, then be stuck waiting to form another t5.
If you want to see some mental cheesy game play, go watch @Swedeah 's latest video on him. He can spam heavy in the corner even through sp1s and juggernauts unstoppable.
My 5/65 can solo rol rhino on auto fight, running suicides :-)
Like with my luck I can pull any better champion any time soon. But has any one played unduped Kingpin with suicide on for long period of time, still trying to figure out how to make him shrugging off poison fast so he didn’t lose health too much