My top 5 best champions

5 - Spiderman Stark Enhanced
Evade and poison
4 - Tigra
Rupture and Neutralize
3 - Captain Marvel
Binary ignition, Energy absorption
2 - Human Torch
Incineration debuff and flame on
1 - Black Widow Deadly Origin
Shock debuff and insight
Black Widow Deadly Origin
Captain Marvel and
Spiderman Stark Enhanced - Vulture
Tigra - Black Panther
Captain Marvel - Nick Fury
Human Torch - Fantastic 4 Family
Black Widow - Taskmaster
Choose you best champions

Evade and poison
4 - Tigra
Rupture and Neutralize
3 - Captain Marvel
Binary ignition, Energy absorption
2 - Human Torch
Incineration debuff and flame on
1 - Black Widow Deadly Origin
Shock debuff and insight
Black Widow Deadly Origin
Captain Marvel and
Spiderman Stark Enhanced - Vulture
Tigra - Black Panther
Captain Marvel - Nick Fury
Human Torch - Fantastic 4 Family
Black Widow - Taskmaster
Choose you best champions

Doom - Also very good power control, buff control, tanky as heck, superb damage.
Warlock - Regen counter, power control, utility god.
Apocalypse - All kinds of debuffs, hits incredibly hard, makes a lot of other mutants great.
Falcon - Pretty much a tie between him and Nick Fury, but Falcon's incredible utility takes the spot over Nick's insane damage.
BD Apocalypse - Powerful on his own and makes the mutant class op
Human torch - mystic champ slayer( if it's a mystic or has energy attack's it dies)
CGR - Damage machine
Doom - Pimp slaps his enemies to oblivion
Cgr-hard hitter(can't hit harder than guardian)
BWCV-great with MD, ultimate power gain, immunity, and damage
Capiw-because he can get high sigs all day
AA-because he is top class
Corvus daily use aq aw etc
Diablo dmg sustain
Arch Aa reduction dmg
Ihulk immortality damage
Punisher 2099- power control, Heal counter
Warlock- Heal block, Power Burn, Everything else
Elsa- Damage Evade counter, Bypass resistance
BWCV- Immunities, Damage, Power Control, Cheat Death, Regen and suicide monster
While I weird of him😱
choose your best champions in game.😩