MCOC Inktober 2021 Thread

Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,086 Content Creator
edited October 2021 in General Discussion
Hey y’all!

So it’s now October, and October means it’s time for Inktober. If you’re unfamiliar with Inktober, it’s basically a 31 day series of pre-set prompts to encourage and challenge people to draw daily (technically with ink, but you can do whatever. I’m doing digital but black and white to match). Last year I did Inktober all MCOC-themed, and I’m doing it again this year. I thought it might be fun to share these over here as the month goes on.

Day 1- Crystal
“Take it back”

Day 2- Suit
“Laundry Mishap”

Day 3- Vessel
“Not enough to go around”

If you’re interested in participating (whether you want to do MCOC related, or just any thing), just search up Inktober 2021 and you’ll find the prompt list. You can do anything from a super simple doodle to something more complicated. Here’s a list of fellow community members who are also doing MCOC Inktober that you can find on Twitter:

@ CatMurdock_Art (it me)
@ RobVonShoe
@ DocMcoc
@ MisterKing_13
@ SuperDuperBuuu (different prompt list but also mcoc themed)
@ ContestChampion

Day 4 to come tomorrow…



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