I'm confused why in the world are all the gods NOT BETTER THAN NICK FURY

Now I for one ranked up my sentry to r3 expecting a buff soon because of a synergy BUT LOOKS LIKE THAT CANT HAPPEN CAN IT heck knulls synergy with sentry I expected sentry to become better but nope... ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's just a solo synergy with knull and in the comics knull has a history with KNULL. But that's not implemented in him is it nooo.!
The synergy aspect could be better but it is what it is. No reason to rage about it.
P.S: According to in-game lore, all champions have been powered up by ISO-8 putting them on more or less similar power levels.
I suspect that Sentry will be buffed eventually but mate, it was your decision to r3 him prematurely. The only indication that he might get buffed is that he's part of one synergy in the game. Other than that, Kabam has not said a peep to hint at it as far as I'm aware. If you ranked him up based on that flimsy "evidence", that's on you and you can't really rage about it not happening to some imaginary timetable. That's just..weird.
For his neutral special he wields a gun
Even bigger power asymmetry: Spider-Man defeats Firelord, a herald of Galactus:
Comic book writers decide who beats whom, not comic book readers.
You're a reader. The devs are the writers. Officially sanctioned by Marvel, their decisions are just as authoritative as any comic book writer in any comic book.
Also, you seem to be unaware of the backstory to Marvel Contest of Champions. In the universe of the Battlerealm, all of the champions of the contest are infused by ISO-8, which is the life essence of a dead Celestial and is known to strengthen anything it interacts with. Everything from beings to weapons become cosmically enhanced. See: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Isotope-8
In fact, ISO-8 officially exists within the greater Marvel Universe outside of Marvel games, see: http://web.archive.org/web/20151225181345/http://marvel.com/news/comics/25459/iso-8_evolves_in_the_marvel_universe?linkId=18852389. Which means the mechanism that Marvel Contest of Champions uses to "level the playing field" in the game is a mechanism that also exists in the comic book canon.