1 day for next featured 6*... your predictions/wishful thinking?

Title says it it all. Besides Purgatory, Overseer, Hercules, America Chavez, Penni and Spidey 2099 (out of only Hercules and Penni are worth it btw, the rest definitely not worth 15k shards!) who else do you think will be in there?
It's likely that recent buffed champs that have never (or not recently been) on a 6* featured might be in it, like War Machine, Gamora, Miles Morales, King Groot, Guillotine, Thor Rags, and maybe if we're lucky even Bishop and Ultron. Which buffed champs do YOU think will be in it?
As for wishful thinking, I would love a featured with Doom AND Nick Fury.... but I know that's probably too much to ask. That mythical, legendary featured one we had at the beginning of this year with CGR, Apoc, iHulk, Ghost, Prof X, (perhaps Moleman too?, don't remember) etc . was truly stacked, one-of-a-kind/once-in-a-generation kind of thing. The developer that came up with that combination of champs was probably fired by Kabam on the grounds of being too nice to us by giving to the players too much of what they want. Besides, for the next one to be like that it would need to have like at least 7 beyond god tiers ... don't think it'll happen.
Your thoughts?
It's likely that recent buffed champs that have never (or not recently been) on a 6* featured might be in it, like War Machine, Gamora, Miles Morales, King Groot, Guillotine, Thor Rags, and maybe if we're lucky even Bishop and Ultron. Which buffed champs do YOU think will be in it?
As for wishful thinking, I would love a featured with Doom AND Nick Fury.... but I know that's probably too much to ask. That mythical, legendary featured one we had at the beginning of this year with CGR, Apoc, iHulk, Ghost, Prof X, (perhaps Moleman too?, don't remember) etc . was truly stacked, one-of-a-kind/once-in-a-generation kind of thing. The developer that came up with that combination of champs was probably fired by Kabam on the grounds of being too nice to us by giving to the players too much of what they want. Besides, for the next one to be like that it would need to have like at least 7 beyond god tiers ... don't think it'll happen.
Your thoughts?
I'll go by class.
Mystics: I hope Diablo, Dragon Man or Hood is in it. I don't have either above 4* so it would be a nice pull I miss out on Hercules.
Mutants: I also wouldn't mind Cable for my Apocalypse, or Deadpool XF for my Nick Fury.
Skill: Getting an Elsa dupe would also be pretty cool, or Black Widow Deadly Origins.
Cosmics: Red Goblin is also a champ I'm hunting after. I need Proxima for a bunch of synergies.
Science: Duping my Luke Cage would be nice, and I would r3 iBom in a heartbeat. I love my r5.
Tech: I don't really have any champs I'm in dire need of. Tech is my strongest 6* class with half of them at r2 and half at r3. The ones I don't have as 6*s, I mostly have ranked up with high sig as 5*s, so I don't need another one. Having just r3'd two tech champs, I have neither the t4cc, t5cc or ISO to rank a tech champ up anyway. But a Vision or Ultron would still be nice, even if they'd be sitting on the bench for quite a while until I've gathered more tech resources.
Please let's go back to the thread's topic:
Your thoughts/predictions/wishlist on next 6* featured?
Yes, herc and some new champs looks awesome to own, but I'll stick to basic till 6* shards are more accessible.
Diablo,KG, venompool, Bishop, Ronin, miles, gamora
Champs I want to see: NF/Namor since there's no featured skill or mutant but that's wishful thinking
This is next feartured
Edit: 3
Interesting to see Karnak in there…I’ve awakened every available rarity of Karnaks, so if he’s buff-bait I’d be ecstatic.
Dr. Zola
It looks depressing
You’ve got a lot of solid pulls, and with 200 champions in the game you can’t expect more than 3 or 4 top 5 champs in the class. Top 5 champs in the game make up 15% of champions in the game (30/200 = 0.15), and 15% of 24 is 3.6.
So having 3 or 4 top 5 champs in a Crystal is actually representative of the game.
In addition, you’ve got a lot of really great pulls in there.
War machine
And then some decent pulls as well:
Thor rags (could be amazing depending on buff)
Guilly (same as Thor)
Overall, this is a decent line up. And expecting more than that is why people are disappointed with featured crystals every time. They expect it to be as good as the Apoc/CGR/Prof/Ghost line up
But that’s not really true for Skill or Mutant. Sure, there’s a Rags (who may or may not be useful), but tossing in some of the worst of those two classes (Karnak and Cyke) as well as more from the bottom half of each class (OGDD, Iceman, X23) is a bummer.
Dr. Zola
I think skill is ok (a very weak, laboured oookkk to be sure) Gwenpool still has used and I am hopeful for Thor Rags buff, mutant is pretty bad though.
As an addendum I will just say that DD Classic is going to get the next magneto level buff and it will be soon. I say that with pure certainty and not at all based on the fact I gambled expiring SoP sig stones into him because I didn’t have any better champs to use them on.
4 champs that I personally think lie in the top of their classes (herc, torch, Diablo, Peni) and theyre all in different classes.
3 6* being made way more available (medusa, sparky, iceman) all of which still have uses, some more than others
Couple of generally good champs ( Venompool, Miles, War machine, Overseer, Rogue)
The only real dud is Gamora. Cyclops/Karnak etc will eventually get their buffs. Thor rags was already sought after by some for prestige alone and he's getting buffed along with Guilly as well.
Don't have a problem dropping shards in this featured but that's just me
I will say this tho:
The featured after the next is already shaping up to be better than the next. Nimrod and Kitty are beyond gods, and Antivenom and Knull don't look to shabby either as of now (we'll see but as of now they both look better than Purgatory, Overseer, Spidey 2099 and America Chavez for sure).
We don't know which champs are coming on November, but all they would need to do is just one of the two November champs to be decent and that immediately would make the crystal more attractive. And then if they would just add one more beyong god like Moleman, Doom or NF and the deal's settled.
So if the data mined slate is true then me thinks I'll probably be saving all shards for the one after the next ....
I still think a couple of adds to that grouping would make it more worthwhile. Imagine a Namor or an OR in place of someone like Cyke. Not a gamebreaker unless duped and high Sig, but a solid add for more levels or to start the process as a first time 6* pull.
For Skill, as much as I like GwenPool, I don’t see anyone pulling her out for any particular content. But even an upgrade to a Korg or a Taskmaster over Karnak or OGDD would be appreciated.
I wish there was a clear rationale for the featured other than “new champs + reworks + other = low chance for relevant pull.”
It isn’t a crystal for developing rosters really, and I dislike the huge disparity between highs and lows. The game seems to be committed to that sort of payout, despite players wanting something different. Some guy will pull a pair of Hercs and a Peni out of a half dozen, while another will spin ten for nothing but sigs on a Cyke, a Karnak, an X23 and a shiny new unduped Iceman.
If this is really the champs, I guess my thought is “do (a little) better.”
Dr. Zola
For those who have been around for a while, you may remember Otriux data mining featured crystal pools in advance of their release. He stopped doing it because Kabam could and occasionally did tinker with the pool right up until the crystal went live in the game. As such, I’d say take the leaked information with a grain of salt. It may be accurate, or it may have been changed since the time it was leaked.