Kabam please tweak Guillotine or reverse these changes

MickmackMickmack Member Posts: 6

I made a post earlier a week or so ago about how the changes to Guillotine were going to be a massive downgrade, and unfortunately those warnings came to fruition

Anyone with even the slightest prowess in mathematics would have been able to look closely at the numbers and tell you this was going to be a nerf, her damage has been handicapped, her regen has been severely nerfed, her SP3 also massively reduced in potential damage output

I’m quite shocked these changes were actually made but just like with Hood, kabam still has the opportunity to do what’s right and make the tweaks that guilty dear eras or at least for the meantime reverse these changes until they find a solution

Changes that need to be made:

-Her SP3 needs to be changed back or buffed a lot as it’s doing minuscule damage compared to before

-Her regen needs to be changed back or buffed as again, it’s minuscule compared to before

As someone who has loved playing Guillotine for a long time, this has left a sour taste in my mouth and I really hope Kabam makes changes so that this actually feels like a buff because right now it’s saddening that the reality is that these changes have nerfed her.
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