Force people to progress

So in order to obtain better or best rewards people need to progress. So some people are stuck in rut, and don’t see a way out of it. How about for a couple or few months cancel certain maps in aq making them play new content instead of having them do the same map for x number of years. This is going on for a long time people will not break out of a cycle to make their account better. It’s obvious people will complain as people complain about free things. Or change the aq map completely.
Also hope the what if bundles stay around after the last season episode finishes up.
Also hope the what if bundles stay around after the last season episode finishes up.
Also, you could simply quit AQ for a week or two while you work on story content, then come back to AQ after?
Or use champions in AQ that you don’t need for your story content?
It seems like a bit of a non-issue if I am being honest, thousands of players before you have gotten through this dilemma without needing to write up about how AQ needs to be cancelled so they can progress…
For instance, looking what MS did from previous versions of Windows to Windows 11... Just a little change YET its a good change and I dont "NEED" to have it the way it was made before.
It’s an incredibly simple thing to do, if you like following a straight routine why not make a routine that doesn’t involve AQ and follow that for a few weeks? Just switch “AQ” with “Story quests”. There you go, do THAT routine.
In my alliance, we have a wide variety amongst our members' progression levels. I'm at the top but there are others who are constantly ahead of me and a lot who are just behind me, with a few who are significantly behind me in terms of titles. So what do we do? We run different maps that allow those who lag behind to continue playing AQ without tying up champions in the mode, which in turn allows them to progress unhindered in the story content. By doing so, I've seen several people rise quickly from a low starting level to become very valuable alliance members in general.
I don't see why the community in general should sacrifice certain maps just so that people too stuck in their own routines can get a kick in the butt to progress.