October 2021 Cavalier Event Quest - Who did you use?

I did this last month, and it seemed to go pretty well, so let's do it again.
Who did you use to deal with the CavEQ nodes and the bosses?
Who I used (note I run the 'suicide' masteries):
1.1 - Skill (Stop evade w/ Incinerate, Shock or Disorient, furies for preventing evade)
Kingpin (sorta just ignored the node, could get the furies from bringing in the Daredevil synergy though)
i plan on trying out Masacre later on
1.2 - Mutant (resist bleeds from Biohazard, convert them into furies by throwing a special attack)
Domino w/ Masacre + Red Hulk synergies (just parry heavy, furies make you deal even more damage it's awesome)
Once they come out of AQ, I'm gonna use Apocalypse + Cable.
2.1 - Tech (Armor Breaking the opponent Heal Blocks them, gain furies by preventing healing with Heal Block)
I imagine Howard could be fun to use there...
And if I didn't have to worry about Recoil, I'd probably play around with Sentinel
2.2 - Mystic (prowess when you fill a bar, make them indefinite by nullifying a buff such as the Stun Immunity one from the opponent throwing a special)
Claire Voyant (lots of regen, it's fun to take advantage of immunities)
Diablo w/ Essence of Null active (once he comes out from AQ)
3.1 - Science (resist a Poison node. parry, dex or be immune to them to turn poisons into furies)
Human Torch
if I had him, I'd use iBom
3.2 - Cosmic (gain Aptitude for gaining Fury/Armor Up/Precision buffs past 3 at a time)
Angela is still very good for that node, but...
King Groot. Might not be the fastest out there, but he's really sustainable.
And I sorta just powered through most of the bosses with Kingpin. I'm sorry, okay? He's just REALLY good... That Knull boss though is gonna be interesting, I might need to bring someone who's immune to reversed controls for that just in case
Who did you use to deal with the CavEQ nodes and the bosses?
Who I used (note I run the 'suicide' masteries):
1.1 - Skill (Stop evade w/ Incinerate, Shock or Disorient, furies for preventing evade)
Kingpin (sorta just ignored the node, could get the furies from bringing in the Daredevil synergy though)
i plan on trying out Masacre later on
1.2 - Mutant (resist bleeds from Biohazard, convert them into furies by throwing a special attack)
Domino w/ Masacre + Red Hulk synergies (just parry heavy, furies make you deal even more damage it's awesome)
Once they come out of AQ, I'm gonna use Apocalypse + Cable.
2.1 - Tech (Armor Breaking the opponent Heal Blocks them, gain furies by preventing healing with Heal Block)
I imagine Howard could be fun to use there...
And if I didn't have to worry about Recoil, I'd probably play around with Sentinel
2.2 - Mystic (prowess when you fill a bar, make them indefinite by nullifying a buff such as the Stun Immunity one from the opponent throwing a special)
Claire Voyant (lots of regen, it's fun to take advantage of immunities)
Diablo w/ Essence of Null active (once he comes out from AQ)
3.1 - Science (resist a Poison node. parry, dex or be immune to them to turn poisons into furies)
Human Torch
if I had him, I'd use iBom
3.2 - Cosmic (gain Aptitude for gaining Fury/Armor Up/Precision buffs past 3 at a time)
Angela is still very good for that node, but...
King Groot. Might not be the fastest out there, but he's really sustainable.
And I sorta just powered through most of the bosses with Kingpin. I'm sorry, okay? He's just REALLY good... That Knull boss though is gonna be interesting, I might need to bring someone who's immune to reversed controls for that just in case
1.1 - Dr Doom
1.2 - Human Torch
2.1 - Human Torch
2.2 - Human Torch
3.1 - Warlock
3.2 - Dr Doom
1.1. Skill: Fury, BWDO, Night thrasher. Or I may use KM just for fun
1.2. Mutant: Omega Red & Colossus
2.1 Tech: IMIW and Warlock.
2.2 Mystic: Sorcerer & Symbiote Supreme (synergy). Perhaps Doom too.
3.1 Science: Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Luke Cage
3.2 Cosmic: CMM, CGR, Venom
1.2 I got one clear in with archangel, colossus, havok, magneto and I brought a rank 4 ghost rider for carnage and it took over 230 hits. Waiting for wolverine and apoc from aq to tackle some more.
That's about as far as I've gotten.
1.2 apoc 6r3 duped
2.1 warlock 6r3 unduped
2.2 bwcv 5r5 duped
3.1 she hulk 6r3 unduped
3.2 Angela 6r3 duped