Looking for a relaxed/chill alliance temporarily

Heya, as the title suggests, I am looking for an alliance to settle down temporarily due to the amount of work I have irl, which has made having to log on every few hours to move in AQ, AW as well as arena grinding way too stressful. This settling is only until December where things get a little smoother, of which I'll depart.
What am I looking for? Any alliance, I just need 3 requirements:
- You won't mind if I can only log on about 4 times a day to move in AQ/AW. This number might be higher on some days, but just to be safe, stick to that number.
- 2nd requirement? The alliance does AQ 5 times a run, I also don't mind any map, it can even be map 1, but I am fine with that. If your alliance doesn't do AW, no problem to that too.
- And 3rd requirement, you won't mind if I put a very low or low score for some of the alliance events. Because, to put it simply, I have very little to no time to be grinding the arenas or repeating the monthly quest 3.2.
My details? Well, I'm definitely not a freeloader, I will still try to contribute something to the events, maybe the treasury, and definitely AQ and AW, just that I cannot be super active. I'm also a 300k rating and 5.2k prestige player, but that may or may not matter too much considering I'm just trying to be in an alliance that doesn't stress too much on activity, while still doing at least AQ regularly.
So if you made it this far, and still won't mind having a strong yet slightly lower activity player in your alliance, feel free to comment your alliance below. Also, I will probably only join your alliance until the current AQ series ends. Thanks!
What am I looking for? Any alliance, I just need 3 requirements:
- You won't mind if I can only log on about 4 times a day to move in AQ/AW. This number might be higher on some days, but just to be safe, stick to that number.
- 2nd requirement? The alliance does AQ 5 times a run, I also don't mind any map, it can even be map 1, but I am fine with that. If your alliance doesn't do AW, no problem to that too.
- And 3rd requirement, you won't mind if I put a very low or low score for some of the alliance events. Because, to put it simply, I have very little to no time to be grinding the arenas or repeating the monthly quest 3.2.
My details? Well, I'm definitely not a freeloader, I will still try to contribute something to the events, maybe the treasury, and definitely AQ and AW, just that I cannot be super active. I'm also a 300k rating and 5.2k prestige player, but that may or may not matter too much considering I'm just trying to be in an alliance that doesn't stress too much on activity, while still doing at least AQ regularly.
So if you made it this far, and still won't mind having a strong yet slightly lower activity player in your alliance, feel free to comment your alliance below. Also, I will probably only join your alliance until the current AQ series ends. Thanks!
We are a good core group aiming to be one of the top alliances in the game in time. We are about a month old. We are all daily players, and we participate in all AQ/AW. We are in between 33222 and 33232 in AQ. We are on a winning streak so far in AW. Donations are not required but appreciated. Events are not required but are a plus. All we ask is that you contribute daily in AQ/AW, and using Line App for communication.
PM m_heikal in game/line if interested, or just join up!
OUR ALLIANCE IS THE ONLY ALLIANCE WITH A REWARDS SYSTEM!!! If interested, line ID YodaAnne for more info. We run map 5 and war frequently. As long as you remain somewhat active and don’t hold anyone up in AQ or AW and are somewhat active in some events, I think our alliance would be okay with slight inactivity.
I've already joined Gorerallu's alliance and am likely to stay, but JUST in case it doesn't work out due to unexpected reasons, I will consider you guys. Again, thanks for the offers!