Silver Centurion and it's not even a contest. Dude's awesome, has easy access to slow, heal block , great damage if you learn how to play him, etc. He does kinda need the dupe though, and better at high sig but still he already has most of his utility and damage unduped and unsigged.
Darkhawk not only is a much more convoluted champ to play and to get all his utility, but also absolutely needs max sig ( not even just high sig, he needs to be maxxed) and even still his kinda too reliant on RNG to be truly good.
Darkhawk not only is a much more convoluted champ to play and to get all his utility, but also absolutely needs max sig ( not even just high sig, he needs to be maxxed) and even still his kinda too reliant on RNG to be truly good.
So SilvCent for sure