How Long have you been after a particular character.?

I'll start, I retired for a couple of years and joined an alliance in February this year and ever since I've opened about 70-75 5* Dual Class crystals for Science and mystic hunting for Doom. Unfortunately no luck. Not ranting lol just wanted to share and ask fellow players if you all have had some similar experience.?
this is weird
Sure would be nice to get one or two.
The two next champions on my list are Torch and Professor X. Then I have Deadpool X-Force. I don't precisely yearn to play him in any content so I don't really care about him as such, but I need him for his synergy with Nick Fury.
One day....
Only just got Venom above a 3*.
Yes it was the 4* Venom you got from special objectives. No I still don’t have him as a 5 or 6*. Same with Rulk.
Prof X since he entered the game, got him with the gold nexus (6*).
Venom: 4 years and counting, just like @ItsDamien .
Kitty Pride: I was waiting for her to enter the game since I started playing, waiting for the feat crystal now, we ll see how this will go...
Only messing obvs, I need a doom.