1.) Where can you use him ? you can bring him into any difficulty monthly EQ (though he won't get the cav node benefit since he is universal class) any variant without class restrictions, though he is only tag #L #symbiote so probably will work best in v5 and v2. Also to prevent players face rolling it he can't be used in v4 either. You can use him in any act up until 5 and if you can (not checked yet) he could have some good use in incursions since he can easily stack a lot of bleeds (managed to get 12 in testing in the MEQ.) Also for, reasons he can't be used in legends content (ROL,LOL,abyss.)
2.)How many catalysts do I need to max him out? cost 24,48,72,96 for a total of 240 catalysts. You get 6 for master and 10 for clearing legendary so either do 24 runs of legendary (you can safely quit out 4 times and still max lil steve but all runs will be max difficulty) or 18 runs legendary and 10 epic, (you need to use every single key but 10 of your side quest runs will be significantly easier.
3.) I just want the catalysts which quest is easier? I would say the VP quest, this is roster dependant but non of the fights are awful (CM classic and aegon are the warm up and VP boss doesn't have anything bad aside from a thick buffet heal (10% on a 300K boss is a 30k regen) and if you want to throw specials bring in a champ with damaging debuffs. Also for each run you get 350K gold so it is definitely worth it if you need to rebuild your gold stash after the deadpool offers (total 9,800,000 if you do all 28 runs in this quest)
4.) how to get the best out of my symbiote? He doesn't have any synergies himself but does benefit from a lot of the venom and other klyntar synergies, while he doesn't get specifically mentioned for anything he is #symbiote so will get the bonus health and attack that a lot of champions have, also any crit team such as the X-men team will give him a nice boost to his damage.
5.)masteries stuff? first things first, I can see a good benifit from running deep wounds since he has a lot of bleeds however he doesn't rely on them as much a nick fury or KM since all of his bleeds have fairly significant duration and deep wounds is a flat bleed duration increase (bonus 2 seconds on a 2 second base bleed is double damage, 2 second on a 10 second bleed is only 20% more damage), Aside from that nothing is really required, like most champions you probably want a base precision cruelty build but he doesn't really benefit any more or less than other champs since he doesn't rely on crits for his bleeds. I could also see some use for despair since he can stack a lot of bleeds as well as having access to armour break and weakness debuffs but aside from making champs like sabretooth easier to outdamage that is about it, he has no petrify and the bleeds are RNG so he is not a substitute for heal block by any stretch. Also since he universal he will get nothing from all of the 6 class masteries as well.
Is he suicide friendly? No, he has no access to heal aside from willpower, is not immune to bleed or poison and doesn't have access to an sp3 so you will take recoil every time you throw a special. While the bleeds are on base attacks so you could play him without throwing specials it will hamper his damage significantly since on his sp2 he has a pretty hefty armour break and chance to gain a fury when throwing a special without which his damage is nothing special.
Any strong utility or good matchups? Not really, since he has bleeds on his base I could see him doing well against the v5 storm boss since she has bleed vulnerability, however since he can't use an sp3 you will get into trouble as the fight goes on with the typhoon node. He does have access to an armour up which I guess makes him a counter to the v5 havok but a lot less reliably than venom. Also with the bleed stacking if you don't get an armour up of your first special your going to be in trouble. Also he has since he has access to bleeds he could work for diss track and since he has true damage you will notice he can cut through heavily armoured opponents nicely but aside from that he has very little. I think he will probably work best in general clearing since his base bleeds and lack of any real rotation makes him a good champ for areas of the game with simple nodes that are more about playstyle such as flare or bane as supposed to hard countering nodes such as shock 60 or other 60 second debuff based nodes in act 6.
Also as mentioned If we can take him into incursions I think he will shine their since their a lot of bleed based hacks such as homeostatic charge for him to take advantage of as well as buffet since every time he throws a special he will gain a buff.
Thanks for reading, any omissions or feedback let me know in the comments.
1.) Where can you use him ?
you can bring him into any difficulty monthly EQ (though he won't get the cav node benefit since he is universal class) any variant without class restrictions, though he is only tag #L #symbiote so probably will work best in v5 and v2. Also to prevent players face rolling it he can't be used in v4 either. You can use him in any act up until 5 and if you can (not checked yet) he could have some good use in incursions since he can easily stack a lot of bleeds (managed to get 12 in testing in the MEQ.) Also for, reasons he can't be used in legends content (ROL,LOL,abyss.)
2.)How many catalysts do I need to max him out?
cost 24,48,72,96 for a total of 240 catalysts. You get 6 for master and 10 for clearing legendary so either do 24 runs of legendary (you can safely quit out 4 times and still max lil steve but all runs will be max difficulty) or 18 runs legendary and 10 epic, (you need to use every single key but 10 of your side quest runs will be significantly easier.
3.) I just want the catalysts which quest is easier?
I would say the VP quest, this is roster dependant but non of the fights are awful (CM classic and aegon are the warm up and VP boss doesn't have anything bad aside from a thick buffet heal (10% on a 300K boss is a 30k regen) and if you want to throw specials bring in a champ with damaging debuffs. Also for each run you get 350K gold so it is definitely worth it if you need to rebuild your gold stash after the deadpool offers (total 9,800,000 if you do all 28 runs in this quest)
4.) how to get the best out of my symbiote?
He doesn't have any synergies himself but does benefit from a lot of the venom and other klyntar synergies, while he doesn't get specifically mentioned for anything he is #symbiote so will get the bonus health and attack that a lot of champions have, also any crit team such as the X-men team will give him a nice boost to his damage.
5.)masteries stuff?
first things first, I can see a good benifit from running deep wounds since he has a lot of bleeds however he doesn't rely on them as much a nick fury or KM since all of his bleeds have fairly significant duration and deep wounds is a flat bleed duration increase (bonus 2 seconds on a 2 second base bleed is double damage, 2 second on a 10 second bleed is only 20% more damage), Aside from that nothing is really required, like most champions you probably want a base precision cruelty build but he doesn't really benefit any more or less than other champs since he doesn't rely on crits for his bleeds. I could also see some use for despair since he can stack a lot of bleeds as well as having access to armour break and weakness debuffs but aside from making champs like sabretooth easier to outdamage that is about it, he has no petrify and the bleeds are RNG so he is not a substitute for heal block by any stretch. Also since he universal he will get nothing from all of the 6 class masteries as well.
Is he suicide friendly?
No, he has no access to heal aside from willpower, is not immune to bleed or poison and doesn't have access to an sp3 so you will take recoil every time you throw a special. While the bleeds are on base attacks so you could play him without throwing specials it will hamper his damage significantly since on his sp2 he has a pretty hefty armour break and chance to gain a fury when throwing a special without which his damage is nothing special.
Any strong utility or good matchups?
Not really, since he has bleeds on his base I could see him doing well against the v5 storm boss since she has bleed vulnerability, however since he can't use an sp3 you will get into trouble as the fight goes on with the typhoon node. He does have access to an armour up which I guess makes him a counter to the v5 havok but a lot less reliably than venom. Also with the bleed stacking if you don't get an armour up of your first special your going to be in trouble. Also he has since he has access to bleeds he could work for diss track and since he has true damage you will notice he can cut through heavily armoured opponents nicely but aside from that he has very little. I think he will probably work best in general clearing since his base bleeds and lack of any real rotation makes him a good champ for areas of the game with simple nodes that are more about playstyle such as flare or bane as supposed to hard countering nodes such as shock 60 or other 60 second debuff based nodes in act 6.
Also as mentioned If we can take him into incursions I think he will shine their since their a lot of bleed based hacks such as homeostatic charge for him to take advantage of as well as buffet since every time he throws a special he will gain a buff.
Thanks for reading, any omissions or feedback let me know in the comments.