When will the t5b shortage be addressed

The game is currently giving out t2a, t5cc and even 6* shards in much greater amounts, but yet still no change to t5b..
The amount in glory store is less than 1 per week, and only 1 per month from Cav eq. It takes 7 t5b to rank a 6* from 1-3!
We are now at the time when t5b and t2a arena should be a thing - maybe every Sunday and please step the glory store up values to something
The amount in glory store is less than 1 per week, and only 1 per month from Cav eq. It takes 7 t5b to rank a 6* from 1-3!
We are now at the time when t5b and t2a arena should be a thing - maybe every Sunday and please step the glory store up values to something
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I'll be postponing my 7.3 exploration, don't need a single t2a anymore. Gotta take care of my 40+ before putting more in overflow.
You bring up act 7, but actually it makes the opposite of the point you want to.
Act 7 gives 6 T5B, but 15 T2A. That’s a ratio of 0.4 T5B given for every T2A.
But to rank up 6*, we need more T5B per T2A.
To rank up a 6* from 1 to 2, you need 7 T2A and 3 T5B, or a ratio of 0.43 T5B for every T2A.
Now sure, you could argue that’s pretty close, but Act 7 isn’t pushing rank 1-2 on us anymore. It’s pretty clearly pushing 2-3. We have a rank 1-2 Gem in 7.3, jumping that rank up and pushing us towards rank 3, for which we have 4x 25% t5cc selectors in exploration, alongside another in completion and a 25% Crystal.
So what’s the ratio for rank 2-3? 8 T2A and 4 T5B means 0.5 T5B per T2A. Even higher than 1-2.
Using 7.3 rewards to rank 3 a 6* means you have 2 T5B remaining which is only 50% of the next rank up, and you have 7 T2A remaining which is 88% of the next rank up! There’s a clear imbalance.
The side quest is a little different, since you can target one type, essentially choosing your own ratio. You can get all T5B if you want. However, let’s look at the amounts being offered in terms of max.
You can get 12.4 T2A by running it 28 times, or only 2.8 T5B. Why is so little T5B offered compared to T2A?
To put that into perspective, a player who runs the T2A, gets enough of that resource to take a 6* to rank 2, and still has 68% of the resource needed to get to rank 3. But a player who runs T5B, doesn’t even have enough to rank their 6* to rank 2.
There seems to be a conscious decision to offer less T5B in proportion to T2A, and a lot of slight imbalances in rewards add up over time to lead to a T5B shortage.
Most of us are aware of the t5b shortage purely because we see it missing in our inventory but it's great to see an analytical breakdown of why that is the case
I had not done those numbers… but when I have 11 full t5cc and 48 t2a… but only 4 t5b I can see the issue is huge and no way to counter balance it (I already don’t buy t2a or t5cc with glory)
The glory store, the last place I can think of to get T5B and T2A, is the worst culprit of all.
You can spend 5000 glory for 0.75 T5B, or 4125 glory for 5 T2A. Rounding down for simplicity to 4000 allows us to find the lowest common multiple of spending 20,000 glory. Which can get you 3 T5B or 25 T2A. So for every T2A, you get 0.12 T5B. Remember we need about 0.5 T5B per T2A.
Everywhere you look, there’s an imbalance of T5B to T2A. The only place that there isn’t, is variant content, since they rarely hand out T2A. But they do give it in the form of rank up gems, which, you guessed it - can’t be used on 6*.
It’s not just a case of looking and seeing gold is low, there’s a systemic issue with the ratio of T5B:T2A and it’s pretty easily provable.