Champion Nicknames

Was watching some compilation clips of the MCU movies ... and realized there are some interesting nicknames for some of the characters.
I caught these .. what others from the movies/shows are there?
"Arrow Guy" (Hawkeye)
"Tic Tac" (Ant-man)
"Underroos" (Spiderman)
"Night Monkey" (Stealth Spiderman)
I'm sure there are others ?
I caught these .. what others from the movies/shows are there?
"Arrow Guy" (Hawkeye)
"Tic Tac" (Ant-man)
"Underroos" (Spiderman)
"Night Monkey" (Stealth Spiderman)
I'm sure there are others ?
[quote]"Old Man" and "Capsicle" for Captain America.
"Point Break" alongside Shakespeare references for Thor, later "Lebowski" when Thor was fat and drunk.
"Legolas" for Hawkeye.
"Big Man", "Enormous Green Rage Monster" (which he's a big fan of), and "Jolly Green" for Hulk/Banner.
"Reindeer Games" (due to the horns on his helmet) and "Rock of Ages" for Loki.
Also "Glowstick of Destiny" and "Joystick" for Loki's scepter.
Plus many more for people whose names he either doesn't know or doesn't care about (such as calling a random henchman "Ponytail Express" in Iron Man 3 or "Forrest" for the first airman he addresses in Iron Man).
In Civil War:
He dubs Spider-Man "Underoos".
At one point, he calls Bucky "Manchurian Candidate".
In Infinity War:
He dubs Ebony Maw as "Squidward".
And Drax "Mr. Clean" and Star-Lord "Flash Gordon".
He even refers to Thanos's Q-Ships as exactly what they looked like, Donuts.
He does call Dr. Strange "Wizard", but isn't the first to do so as Thor had done so in Thor: Ragnarok.
In Endgame:
He cheekily refers to Nebula as a “Blue Meanie” from The Beatles Animated Movie Yellow Submarine in his recorded will to Pepper; kind of a cheap shot considering she did help him patch up and *disinfect* the nasty stab wound her father Thanos gave him through his midsection.
He refers to Strange as the "Bleecker Street Magician" doing his "Reason You Suck" Speech to Rogers after his return to Earth.
He initially thought Rocket was a "build-a-bear." Rocket quipped back that he may be one. Later on Stark calls him "Ratchet".
He has plenty for Lang including Thumbelina, Stuart Little, and "Piss-ant".[/quote]