7.3 Kang : Getting Blast Damage Even You Do The Special Attack Task

ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
edited October 2021 in General Discussion
Kang gave SP1 Mission.

When he hits SP1 he got blasted.

Can someone please explain what was happened ?


  • AntzRodzAntzRodz Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    edited October 2021
    ExHavok said:

    Kang gave SP1 Mission.

    When he hits SP1 he got blasted.

    Can someone please explain what was happened ?

    U completed the task a bit late to receive the direct damage....it shud have turned green if u would have used it before the timer end's.. the reason it's Red and u Received direct damage..
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 560 ★★★★
    Are you running assassin. Cause assassin messes with the fight quite a bit
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Is this the ability reduction bug causing missions to fail? Happened a number of times… annoying
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,579 ★★★★★
    Beewee said:

    Are you running assassin. Cause assassin messes with the fight quite a bit

    I had the same thing happen and I do run assassin, good to know
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★

    More bugs? I’m not one to ask for compensation but I’m literally doing what your prompts say and they are killing me. Cost me an extra 400-600 units because it kept doing this….
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