Please fix AW matchmaking

It's about that time of season again where you see undeserving alliances at the top of the alliance war leaderboards. The matchmaking system is not fair to the alliances with higher war ratings. Their matchups during the season are much more difficult and are against other alliances with high rating. This includes rematches. On the other hand, some of these alliances at the top of the war leaderboards have not faced any or little REAL competition. The top rated alliances like kenob, asr, gt40 and NewN face at least 2 of the 4, twice a season. While others don't even have these 4 alliances but are higher than them on the leaderboard because they are facing alliances with lower ratings, but still in tier 1 and they end up in the highest placements of alliance war seasons. Please fix matchmaking. Matchmaking should be based on current placement in the war standings and there should be no reason that an alliance should have repeat matches when there's 20 alliances in master and only 12 wars.
Kabam can easily implement this for top 50 alliances to never face a rematch during same season.
But I dont play t1, what can I say...