Bugged September side event and horrible customer support

So last month we had the final preparations quest that was bugged. I thought it was a bit much but started to do it and lvled up many 6* champs I normally wouldn’t have right away just for the event. Cost me tons of gold and iso. I was told they were working on something idk if it is compensation or whatever for those who tried to get 100 lvls on 6* champs to finish the final week. It’s been a few weeks so I put in a ticket and asked if there was any word on what was gonna be done about this.. even if someone says … you got the rewards that came with said side event first I didn’t get to 100 before it was pulled down and the rewards didn’t come close to what was spent. a few million gold and over 1000 big iso bricks isn’t worth the rewards that I received. I have put in a few tickets and only response I get is they want crazy info most people wouldn’t know or would have to contact their bank for records over 6 yrs. I am not asking for information to get into my account I know my kabam login info and don’t share my account with anyone. All I wanted was information and they want my life story of this game. I get it if they need it to access my account if I was unable to get into myself. But this is not the case I simply asked if there was any information or a timeline.
I even emailed them from my kabam email for information and yet they still ask for the same info. Why must it be so difficult to get simple information from your support team about something that was your mistake from the beginning all I’m asking is if kabam is gonna do something or just tell us to piss off and we should never trust anything they release for several months cause it is either bugged or broken.
I even emailed them from my kabam email for information and yet they still ask for the same info. Why must it be so difficult to get simple information from your support team about something that was your mistake from the beginning all I’m asking is if kabam is gonna do something or just tell us to piss off and we should never trust anything they release for several months cause it is either bugged or broken.
Also this is email I received from someone in support who actually was doing their jobs unlike the people I talked to today…
Scroll down to page 19 - my post. Basically explain them which date you level/rank up the champs, which champs you made those updates. Once they verify these transactions, they will revert/reset those Champs to what it was before the Initial final prep obj, and return those resources back. I got mine all back and it look to be accurate.
Hope this helps.