Best way to use Groot...easy 5* shards

If you are like me, you are trying to hoard as many 5* shards as possible before stark spidey comes out. Unless it is a crazy good deal, I try not to spend money on this game. So here is a good way to gain 5* shards.
Take for example the lower tier champs, in this case it is Groot. I have no use for this character, so when he comes up in the basic arena we know he will not go for much. I did 2.2 mill both times and got him.
So I sell my 3/30 Groot for 425 5* shards, then I get him back in the arena as well as 300 more 5* shards and the rerank him back to 3/30. If you do this twice you have gained 1450 5* shards and you still get to keep your Groot.

Just a tip I thought I would share.
Take for example the lower tier champs, in this case it is Groot. I have no use for this character, so when he comes up in the basic arena we know he will not go for much. I did 2.2 mill both times and got him.
So I sell my 3/30 Groot for 425 5* shards, then I get him back in the arena as well as 300 more 5* shards and the rerank him back to 3/30. If you do this twice you have gained 1450 5* shards and you still get to keep your Groot.

Just a tip I thought I would share.
Yet I am still surprised they even allow selling champs.
Lol you’re shot dude. Totally flew right over your head
Of course, it's too late to do it with Groot now. Maybe next time there's a lame champ in the basic arena.
Um... did you read the post? As for arena points many of us have enough champs that we never use them all in arena anyway. This guy got way more shards than he could by duping... he must be an idiot lmao.
Winning a champ in the basic arena isn't duping. You get one sig level, not 20.
What you're saying makes sense if the Groot already has a high sig level. It wouldn't be good to lose all those sig levels when you're close to getting max sig stones. However, if someone hasn't duped him yet, then this will get them an extra 850 units for all that grinding instead of 2 sig levels.
Never sell champs, no point in it. Unless your in a rush to get a 5* war machine or Spideygwen XD
in the very very long run. Not everyone has that type of patience. I go crazy when I try to hoard my map 5 and 6 crystals for a week
So, only idiots fail to understand context and math and make declarative statements like, "Only idiots sell champs!"
What the OP described is a great way to churn a useless hero to get more 5* shards. If you've got the gold and iso to spare, it is a fantastic plan. But what do I know, I have 30 5* champs, many of them duped or multi-duped. If I'd never sold a 4* champ I'd have less, that is a mathematical fact, but I guess I'm an idiot.
In the long run I would think keeping all my 4*'s and getting them to sig 99 would eventually give me way more 5* shards, plus shards from sig crystals, and I keep all my resources. Of course I am playing my whole roster in account vs a single champ. But if the majority of my roster is at sig 99 than I of course will gain a lot of 5* shard per month since 4* crystal come very quick.
Everyone has their strategy I guess.
I have a 4* champ in my inventory who I don't like and don't use. He isn't duped, and I haven't leveled him at all. Selling him would waste absolutely nothing.
Now he's coming up in the basic arena, and he'll go cheap. Since I don't want to use him, I have no interest in awakening him.
Here's the important bit. It's not worth grinding that arena to get 300 5* shards and awaken a champ I never intend to use. I'm not going to waste sig stones on him, so I'd still need 5 dupes to get him to max sig ability, same as if I'd never awakened him in the arena. So I won't do that.
However, a couple million worth of grinding *would* be worth it to get 725 5* shards. It might even be worth doing that twice.
It's not about getting him to sig level 99. Right now, he's at sig level 0, and he'll still be at sig level 0 after the arena is over if I don't use this tactic. Like I said, I'm not going to do that arena just for 300 5* shards and taking him to sig level 2. So without this tactic, at the end of the arena I'll have the sig 0 champ and no extra 5* shards. With this tactic, I'll have that same sig 0 champ, but I'll also have 1450 5* shards.
I don't have to do this with every champ, but there are a few where it's a good idea.
Don't be a Hater...scrub!!