Alliance War with a picture and my issue with tie breaker

SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89

Why is a tie breaker decided on defender rating? They have a higher defender rating but we had way more defender kills. Pretty clear that we were more skilled yet we lose.


  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    You should’ve spent a few hundred units placing suicide masteries on your champs for defense then taking them off for offense along with buying and using all available boosts to inflate your defender rating.

    You could’ve beaten them if you did that. Unless they also did that, then you would’ve just spent a few hundred units to lose and get participation rewards.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    You should’ve spent a few hundred units placing suicide masteries on your champs for defense then taking them off for offense along with buying and using all available boosts to inflate your defender rating.

    You could’ve beaten them if you did that. Unless they also did that, then you would’ve just spent a few hundred units to lose and get participation rewards.

    Which doesn't ignore the fact that defender rating would still be the tie breaker. Don't think he was asking how they could increase their rating, I am sure they are more than aware.

    Defender rating is a huge flaw in the scoring. And having to spend units before war starts and after to change them back is garbage. War should never involve such idiocy
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Or just run suicides on offense lol. I never take mine off
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Or just run suicides on offense lol. I never take mine off

    Masteries are intended to be individual. We are not supposed to all pick the same mastery setup out of necessity, as we did before willpower was nerfed. This is also why they won’t give us more mastery points. @Kabam Miike has made this clear.

    Forcing us to use suicides on offense to save on the unit costs of changing them just for AW defender rating would seem to go against this guidance.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    The Best Players won. Not sure how you’re claiming to be clearly more skilled when the difference could’ve been others throwing away champs they wouldn’t have when if defense kills were a factor.

    Then we have others claiming that resources are the factor when the enemy could’ve easily used health pots to reduce deaths instead of going into a battle with low health and risking death which cost resources.

    Scapegoating your loss is...
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    That's a lot of assumptions. The real problem is no one will ever know who is the most skilled in that match-up because it was decided by the biggest wallet. What a traveshamockery war has become.
  • SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    The Best Players won. Not sure how you’re claiming to be clearly more skilled when the difference could’ve been others throwing away champs they wouldn’t have when if defense kills were a factor.

    Then we have others claiming that resources are the factor when the enemy could’ve easily used health pots to reduce deaths instead of going into a battle with low health and risking death which cost resources.

    Scapegoating your loss is...

    I’m not sure how you’re saying the better team won? If their defenders had a higher rating that would mean their defenders were stronger than ours. If their defenders were stronger than ours then logic would dictate that their defenders should have more kills than ours.

    You’re saying that we may have used resources to reduce our deaths, which may be true. I can speak for myself as I didn’t use 1 item to heal or revive.

    The reality is defender rating is the tie breaker in this situation and defender rating can be manipulated. I didn’t use suicides nor did I use any boosts when I placed my defenders. If I did use boosts and switch to suicides I would have manipulated my defender rating which would have given us a win.

    Winning a match based on how you can temporarily manipulate/bloat a defender rating is ridiculous. I could have done it but I shouldn’t have to do it simply to win a war. It is a bogus scoring system/tie breaker. The fact that you think this post is about scapegoating a loss is showing that you’re not understanding the whole point. It’s not about scapegoating a loss. It’s about showing how you can manipulate a rating in order to win which defeats the whole purpose of this game.

    Don’t know how you come to the conclusion that the “Best Team Won”
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    This Is a normal state of affairs right now. I don't agree with the scoring system right now either. Kabam and their proxies are against defender kills for some goofy reason.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Slickpetey wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    The Best Players won. Not sure how you’re claiming to be clearly more skilled when the difference could’ve been others throwing away champs they wouldn’t have when if defense kills were a factor.

    Then we have others claiming that resources are the factor when the enemy could’ve easily used health pots to reduce deaths instead of going into a battle with low health and risking death which cost resources.

    Scapegoating your loss is...

    I’m not sure how you’re saying the better team won? If their defenders had a higher rating that would mean their defenders were stronger than ours. If their defenders were stronger than ours then logic would dictate that their defenders should have more kills than ours.

    You’re saying that we may have used resources to reduce our deaths, which may be true. I can speak for myself as I didn’t use 1 item to heal or revive.

    The reality is defender rating is the tie breaker in this situation and defender rating can be manipulated. I didn’t use suicides nor did I use any boosts when I placed my defenders. If I did use boosts and switch to suicides I would have manipulated my defender rating which would have given us a win.

    Winning a match based on how you can temporarily manipulate/bloat a defender rating is ridiculous. I could have done it but I shouldn’t have to do it simply to win a war. It is a bogus scoring system/tie breaker. The fact that you think this post is about scapegoating a loss is showing that you’re not understanding the whole point. It’s not about scapegoating a loss. It’s about showing how you can manipulate a rating in order to win which defeats the whole purpose of this game.

    Don’t know how you come to the conclusion that the “Best Team Won”

    Don’t debate with this guy. All he ever does is toe the Kabam company line in efforts to get threads far enough off topic to get them deleted. Just ignore him.
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  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    AW is an absolute atrocity right now. When a team can die exponentially more times than their opponent and STILL claim the “victory”, that’s not acceptable. We all know the reason for this and it’s to get people to buy all these rank up deals to get their defender ratings up by ranking up non-functional/high prestige champs to place in AW as nothing but place keepers. You know how these new nodes were supposed to keep teams from getting 100%? Notice how that’s not working? Maybe you should drop the units for suicides before placing your defense? All it does is lead to more $ dropped on items to increase the coffers.

    None of these changes are about making the game better, it’s about making the profit margins bigger.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    You should’ve spent a few hundred units placing suicide masteries on your champs for defense then taking them off for offense along with buying and using all available boosts to inflate your defender rating.

    You could’ve beaten them if you did that. Unless they also did that, then you would’ve just spent a few hundred units to lose and get participation rewards.

    The fact suicides can claim a victory for an alliance shows how screwed the system is.

    Getting rid of defender kills has destroyed it, almost beyond restoration anymore.

    No skill is involved, actually less impotence to go for new champs too as only 1 person needs them now in the alliance.

    Defender kills won't return, but they 100% should, making node and difficulty changes isn't doing anything, outcomes still decided on things it shouldn't be.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    I personally don’t like this system but I also hated mystic wars. So its a love-hate relationship at the moment with AW.

    At least with "mystic wars" the right amount of skill would still win if you died less. The new AW is nothing about skill, it's all about making money in new and unique ways
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    well the best players won
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Currently wars are a joke. It used to be my favorite mode but now I despise going through all the fights only to lose by a couple points because of defender rating... Defense kills are an essential part of determining who the better alliance is and that kabam knows it. There should be a scaling system for defender kills that awards more points the more kills that champ gets and maybe the first kill is 0 points, but then every consecutive kill awards 25 additional points.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    DalBot wrote: »
    AW is an absolute atrocity right now. When a team can die exponentially more times than their opponent and STILL claim the “victory”, that’s not acceptable. We all know the reason for this and it’s to get people to buy all these rank up deals to get their defender ratings up by ranking up non-functional/high prestige champs to place in AW as nothing but place keepers. You know how these new nodes were supposed to keep teams from getting 100%? Notice how that’s not working? Maybe you should drop the units for suicides before placing your defense? All it does is lead to more $ dropped on items to increase the coffers.

    None of these changes are about making the game better, it’s about making the profit margins bigger.
    Don’t listen to this guy all he does is play the part of a victim of something he voluntarily participates in and makes arguments personal to derail threads to get them shut down. He cannot look past his own nose nor see the perspectives of other people, myopic.

    He also doesn’t see that no matter what system the game has units/resources will always buy you a win.
    Qwerty wrote: »
    well the best players won
    He gets it.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    OP is assuming that the other alliance would've played exactly the same if the rules were different.

    If defender kills mattered the other alliance would've played different and prob still beat you.

    Yeah it stinks losing by a couple points but that alliance is strong like you so there's no way to say it's unfair that they won just because you don't like HOW they won.
  • Drewbe14Drewbe14 Member Posts: 122
    Even if he still lost defender rating decided it when we not only had originally defender kills (smartly) counting as points but if they dont matter anymore why even show me that we got way more kills? Makes no sense imo
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Ignoring CoatHang3r doing what CoatHang3r does best...

    The fact of the matter is that AW does not require skill at all to win anymore. Unless you count not using ALL 15 items as a skill. Spend on suicides, spend on ranking up useless champs and spend on items and you can win. Just that simple.

    Coming soon: alliances recruiting R4 Miles and Iron Patriots and Karnak and Hulkbusters to put on defense for rating points. That is what this game is coming to
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    The fact that a tie is even broken through defender rating or diversity is stupid in it self. It's like being in a real war, you both completely devastate the war zone, but since the other country has a general with 2 more medals they win.

    I prefer pre-change war, not only did it take skill, it was more fun. This change was just to let the whales whale and let the lower leveled players complain less about not having the skill to take on certain champs.

    New war was to let the noobs struggle less and make the whales pay for items and use em with no care. It's like, why tf is there a 15 item cap anymore lol. AW is a lot more boring than it was before, at this point I don't care much, I just gotta live with it, because at the end of the day we don't get a say and we can't stop kabam's changes that are based on their intentions.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Slickpetey wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    The Best Players won. Not sure how you’re claiming to be clearly more skilled when the difference could’ve been others throwing away champs they wouldn’t have when if defense kills were a factor.

    Then we have others claiming that resources are the factor when the enemy could’ve easily used health pots to reduce deaths instead of going into a battle with low health and risking death which cost resources.

    Scapegoating your loss is...

    I’m not sure how you’re saying the better team won? If their defenders had a higher rating that would mean their defenders were stronger than ours. If their defenders were stronger than ours then logic would dictate that their defenders should have more kills than ours.

    You’re saying that we may have used resources to reduce our deaths, which may be true. I can speak for myself as I didn’t use 1 item to heal or revive.

    The reality is defender rating is the tie breaker in this situation and defender rating can be manipulated. I didn’t use suicides nor did I use any boosts when I placed my defenders. If I did use boosts and switch to suicides I would have manipulated my defender rating which would have given us a win.

    Winning a match based on how you can temporarily manipulate/bloat a defender rating is ridiculous. I could have done it but I shouldn’t have to do it simply to win a war. It is a bogus scoring system/tie breaker. The fact that you think this post is about scapegoating a loss is showing that you’re not understanding the whole point. It’s not about scapegoating a loss. It’s about showing how you can manipulate a rating in order to win which defeats the whole purpose of this game.

    Don’t know how you come to the conclusion that the “Best Team Won”

    It's clear as day the best players won. Says so in the allaince tag

    Lmao that joke flew right past everyone. :D
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    I would not say more skilled looking at that no one had to use an item. Me personally I'll throw a weak champ in a fight to see how I go before I use my boss killer. Old system I wouldn't do that. In saying that kills do need to account for something. It bothers me to lose to bigger pockets and it hurts me to see people through a ton of items at an unwinnable cause. It is a **** system first war with new nodes still 100 to 100 defensive rating is only way to win.
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