Use Pre-Fight in Practice Mode

The ability to active Pre-Fight abilities during practice would greatly benefit player knowledge. For example, Mister Fantastic Pre-Fight abilities are not accessible during practice mode.
You can only go in with one champ so you're not going to have Mr. Fantastic boosting another champion which is mainly what his prefights are for, and every champ with prefight works just fine without it. It's a system to replace duels and allow you to easily fight any champ you want with any champ you want. The focus is not to teach, it's for accessibility.
Anyways the fact you still can't use Prefights in Arena as well after all this time doesn't get my hopes up for this change, but it would make the most sense here because for example if you wanted to test how Diablo worked as an Armor Break Immune Option against Knull you wouldn't be able to do so there which is the whole point of the mode.