Wrong node description in 7.1.1 (URGENT!!)

There is the INVADE path in act 7.1.1

But in Portuguese, the node description is the same as DISMAY node

It translates to "Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a Fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to 300 times the lost Combo." (Which is basically DISMAY but with wrong numbers, not INVADE)
PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP, people who doesn't speak English and play in Portuguese (or other languages it there are more of these in the game) will have a hard time doing this. THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE!!!

But in Portuguese, the node description is the same as DISMAY node

It translates to "Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a Fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to 300 times the lost Combo." (Which is basically DISMAY but with wrong numbers, not INVADE)
PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP, people who doesn't speak English and play in Portuguese (or other languages it there are more of these in the game) will have a hard time doing this. THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE!!!