Can you guys please stop with the Solo objectives SQs?

Title. I can’t remember the last time we had an actual good side quest. Every one for basically this whole year has been either
Boring: repetitive, doing the same stuff over and over and over for an entire month (herc sidequest, jubilee’s arcade, the silver centurion/Jabari month)
Terrible rewards: rewards are spread out into so many micro packages and or just lacking as a whole. I can’t remember the last time we had an event where the rewards actually stood up to treasure island or last December’s event.
In short, I don’t think the SQs from the past year have been well designed or particularly rewarding. I can already hear the disagrees coming from the people saying “not every event can be treasure island”. That’s true, but we haven’t had anything remotely close to being as good as treasure island, since treasure island. The only real upside of last SQ was getting to keep our symbiote, but other than that the rewards were positively abysmal.
I’d advocate simply returning to the basics. Events such as treasure island, Gwenpool goes to the movies, and last December’s event are beloved for a reason: simplicity paired with good rewards. I don’t think anybody would complain if an event along this vein were run again. I’m tired of running 57 solo objectives for mediocre rewards, and I’m prepared for the disagrees for saying this, but it must be said.
Boring: repetitive, doing the same stuff over and over and over for an entire month (herc sidequest, jubilee’s arcade, the silver centurion/Jabari month)
Terrible rewards: rewards are spread out into so many micro packages and or just lacking as a whole. I can’t remember the last time we had an event where the rewards actually stood up to treasure island or last December’s event.
In short, I don’t think the SQs from the past year have been well designed or particularly rewarding. I can already hear the disagrees coming from the people saying “not every event can be treasure island”. That’s true, but we haven’t had anything remotely close to being as good as treasure island, since treasure island. The only real upside of last SQ was getting to keep our symbiote, but other than that the rewards were positively abysmal.
I’d advocate simply returning to the basics. Events such as treasure island, Gwenpool goes to the movies, and last December’s event are beloved for a reason: simplicity paired with good rewards. I don’t think anybody would complain if an event along this vein were run again. I’m tired of running 57 solo objectives for mediocre rewards, and I’m prepared for the disagrees for saying this, but it must be said.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I like the new ones, but they are annoying sometimes as well
Folks complain rewards suck when they actually don't at all but if an item isn't literally called "5* featured crystal" then it's bad rewards... Somehow.
1) "we haven't had a regular SQ really long"
November - standard weekly sidequest w voluntarily doable objectives
October - standard daily entry sidequest w one extra step
September+August - no sidequests
July - standard daily sidequest w Herc
June - MTT weekly ripoff w Purgatory
2) "we haven't had anything remotely close to MTT"
The Purgatory event is very similar to MTT in terms of structure and rewards. Just MTT had worse rewards and harder random boss (Weapon X). Really, look it up. The quaranteed rewards for Purgatory event were actually better than MTT, and that doesnt even count the random path rewards we got.
Then Hercules was easy and repetitive but also had great rewards, nearing MTT but not quite reaching it.
Point is, we should stop thinking about MTT as the ideal event. What was the main reward? 5* featured, 5* AG and some 6* shards (3k maybe?). We get the same this months too. Then it had random bosses and some were pretty annoying (again the 30k PI Wpn X). And it was bugged on top of it all.