Yellow Jacket Solos the New Venompool Boss in Variant 8!

I just wanted to share this on the forums because I think it is a really cool interaction and showcases an extremely underused champion... Yellow Jacket. His base kit has some crazy powerful utility and this fight is literally made for him. You do need to have the "Revolutions Need Arms" synergy to actually reverse his regen enough to justify using YJ. White Mags is there for the prefight and makes it much easier but it is doable without. Enjoy the video!

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Even 4* apoc do it, really easy this boss
But yeah, awesome. I might have to rank up my 6* YJ. I pulled him right before he was buffed (back in January or something, right?), but haven't ranked him up yet. I might look into that after I r3 my Human Torch. After all, I don't really have any regen reversing champs. My Warlock usually does such a good job blocking it out that I haven't needed to invest in anyone else, but he absolutely could not have done this fight as well as YJ could.