New Fantastic Four synergy

Since all 4 champs are in the game, it would be nice to have the synergy. Spider-Man, Wolverine, Ghost Rider and the gray Hulk, aka Fixit. Something a little glittery and fabulous to make these champs sparkle and shine. Please consider this.
Joking aside there May be a Synergy referencing it on Buffed Joe Fixit but it'll most likely just be a Slightly Enhanced Version of the Teammates Synergy and nothing more because that a trend practically every Rework has been following, the Synergy Holder may get a bonus but the Synergy Activators will just get something like +6% Perfect Block and Attack.
If they did Themed Reworks then that would've definitely be a neat way to handle it, next month give Spidey an Overhaul and GR a Moderate with the 3 having Linked Synergies together (with Wolverine just being another Activator).