Suggestion for gifting crytsals and My opinion about gifting

If the gifting event doesn't happen, it's not going to be good for both the players and the company but please DO NOT PUT T6 BASIC AND T3 ALPHA into gifting crystals. These items are the rarest items in the entire game. If you make it easy for the whales to R4 their champions, it's not going to be any good outcome. I think to keep the balance in the game gifting crystal should be prepared carefully. When it comes to alt accounts everyone has their own opinion but IMO if someone spares 6-8 to the game daily like a full-time job, doing the same thing for days is going to affect them mentally and physically. I know that people have been doing that for years but until recently it became easier to grind more units. I don't even know if I should call it to exploit or not, people are giving up on themselves. I don't know how much they can get out of this so-called "exploit" but I know that it is not good for human health.