Adem37Adem37 Member Posts: 29
edited November 2021 in General Discussion
hello, what I'm wondering is, how do you adjust the powers of these heroes, there is an iron man infinity war, it doesn't do anything other than defense, it sucks in terms of hitting power, the silver captain pattern does nothing but shock, super sukrul, the super one apart from the name nothing , and most importantly knuul , what is this knull ? for months , the one in the dark woke up , the darkness is coming , you shouted in the game , you said lord of the symbiotes It is illogical to give such an unstable and terrible power potential to a power that you thought existed when it was not there, is it stronger than kinğpinğ knul? Is doctor doom more talented than knul? Is the hulk more durable and stronger than the baster knull? corvus , closus , gost , how can these also have more damage potential than knul ? I couldn't figure it out , is the creature you call knull a useless , weak , incapable , weak , garbage creature ? So when no one was there, he had a sıl? How did he become the master of darkness? By making such a weak creature, you contradict yourself and make fun of us.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Adem37Adem37 Member Posts: 29
    read it if you want, don't read it, knull is not as great as it is called, in a game where captain america infinity war deals 100 thousand damage, knull's potential to inflict 40 thousand damage is worthless in my opinion.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
    A champ is not defined only by its big yellow numbers. There is damage over time, utility, and synergies to consider, among other things.

    Kabam designs champs for different uses. Some are damage dealers, some are support champs, some are defensive. We need all kinds on our rosters to compete and progress thru content.

    Champs’ power level in the comix are not a guide as to how OP they’ll be in MCOC. If they were, everyone would get an OG Hulk and almost never lose a fight.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,550 ★★★★★
    I found it really tough to read and understand this post. Almost Evey second word had a grammatical error. And what do you mean by weak. Check out all content creators and don't believe the damage in deep dives as they are bugged
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Knull is great. Must not know how to play him. He’s for massive health pools and long fights. You’ll only get there once you beat act 4
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    So everybody who has been saying nothing but good things about Knull, are they deluded or blind or corrupt? Where we going with this because even if we're not going off of popular opinion but factual opinion, he seems pretty damn popular.
  • AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Hoitado said:

    Adem37 said:

    No. I am not. Even hulk baster is better than knull .

    You’re not what?
    Math teachers be like
  • Adem37Adem37 Member Posts: 29
    How do you look so shallow , knull is not as strong as it is described , which synergy are you talking about , many heroes are strong with synergy , the main thing is pure power , knul also does not have that pure power , there are heroes more useful than him in long fights , we call knull , as strong as it is told It should be , but not that strong , it should also be strong in short fights and without synergy , unfortunately it will only work in long fights , but where are the long fights ? it doesn't fit in many scenes , it doesn't carry the weight from fight to fight , it starts every fight again from the low , in short it's worthless to me , hercules , corvus , gost , clossus , hulk baster , stays light next to these heroes , lord of darkness , he existed when there was nothing in the universe , I say a hero called should have more abilities , he shouldn't have that many bubbles .
  • Adem37Adem37 Member Posts: 29
    When there is no turkish language, google translator translates that much
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 730 ★★★
    The OP gives me Lil Joh YouTuber vibes, got those who remember that dude. 💯
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,258 ★★★★★
    work all night on a drink o rum
  • SL1229SL1229 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2021
    you must be using a 3*r1 Knull against a 5/65 champ cause Knull is amazing. His damage output is awesome and his ramp up isn't bad once you have him at max sig. Outside of his damage, his utility is pretty solid as well (bleed/ poison / degen resistence + armor break + evade counter, etc.).

    You mention weaknesses and the only thing you've been complaining about is his damage (which again, is not that bad). What other weaknesses does he have that you believe should be changed without destroying the game?
  • Adem37Adem37 Member Posts: 29
    The knull damage potential needs to rise more quickly, the armor breaking potential needs a lot of effort, it's ok in long fights, but it remains weak in short fights because this potential cannot be reached, as it is known in the game, there are no such long fights, it's a game based on short fights in general it leaves weak in terms of hit power ratio knullu , normal hits , should be increased , critical rate should be increased also a hero with sword should bleed , 1st or 2nd squeak should be unstoppable without synergy needed , because knull is not a normal expression , it is a king as well as the king of symbiotes , a feature in symbiotes They are very special in terms of knull , unfortunately compared to knull symbionts , they should regenerate life , steal power , so the features in many symbiotes should also be knull in a mixed way , a king , lord of darkness , when you say existing when no one is around , what you call a being that absorbs the power of others time an obvious talent potential I think he should be better than an ordinary hero, he is an ordinary hero, even weaker than some ordinary heroes, and the knuul 6star 3/45 in my hand is a hero, I'm commenting on it
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,094 ★★★★
    .....and, I've gone cross-eyed.
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