Looking for New Alliance

On the look for a new alliance. Would prefer AQ based but not opposed to AW . just be chill and having a good time playing the game and not take it to o serious. Hit me up on line. Line ID: Krypton_ace


  • Keenmonkey_5Keenmonkey_5 Member Posts: 36
    We're looking for 3 to 4 players for AQ focused map 5 alliance. Optional AW. All we ask is you move in AQ in a timely manner all five days.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,625 ★★★★★
    Hey man! We run 554 in AQ and 2 bgs for AW. We are pretty relaxed but expect active participation. I added you in game… yodabolt~1
  • TwistedcowgirlTwistedcowgirl Member Posts: 151
    Tried to add on Line but couldn’t find you. We are map 5 AQ focused ally, 1BG wars. 250mill AQ score and relaxed crew. We run MMMHH mods so nothing too taxing. Give me a shout if I can help ingame and line twistedcowgirl
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  • greyblue42greyblue42 Member Posts: 157
    We might be what you are looking for....

    We’re are pretty relaxed Silver 2 Alliance. No stress – but good rewards to constantly progress.

    Alliance Quest / 2 BG Map 2 + Map 4 / 50 Mil = 2100 Glory per Cycle
    Alliance War / 2 BG during season – 1 BG ¬¬– off Season

    We are looking to fill two spots – The main requirement is to be active in the game!

    If you decide to join AQ/AW, then help by clearing the paths in the attack phase as good as you can. Everyone pitches in to gain the best rewards we can.

    Sounds interesting for you?

    We would be happy if you join us and find a new home with us.

    Alliance tag: KR33!
    Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
    My IGN & Line-handle: Greyblue42
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    Silver 1, aq map 43

    2 BG aw.

    In game name: artikram
    Alliance tag: AGENT
    Alliance name: Captains
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    give us a look...

    looking for 1...a long time guy has been eaten up by real life.

    We are a group of moderate players who work together to maximize rewards. Most of us are old school players who just enjoy playing without all the AQ/AW pressure. We like to play with those who know and understand the game, and don't have a lot of patience for repeated shenanigans.

    We are looking for players with 9K prestige and have earned Cavalier status.

    AW: 2 BG's in season, 1-2 BG off season, and often run theme tanks in the off season for fun and levity. Last season we were G2, but sometimes are in the G3 or G1 range. Usually there is no/little item use in our war effort. 5 war minimum per season. This season we placed G2.

    AQ: 655, 655, 655, 655, 555 for 290+ mil weekly.

    500-750k, sometimes 1M SA weekly, small minimums just to help us weed out the deadwood.

    We use discord for group chat and are organized, this is mandatory for all ally members. You don't have to chat and be gabby, just call out routes, etc.

    Holler if this sounds good. We have had a stable roster for several months...come in and enjoy the laid back success.

    groundround#0363 in discord, Ground Round in line, Gound Round in game.

    Thanks :)
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