Grandmaster's challanges needs icons

When you get to phase 2 of the Grandmaster fight ther are a bunch on challanges you need to do.
But the problem is that ther is no icons for them under the Grandmaster nametag.
All you get is the challange in purple writhing on the Grandmaster champ and a timer icon that shows when it has to be completed by.
So if you miss the purple info writhing about the challange you have to pause and look in the pause menu for what the challange is.
This create a problem in manny ways.
1: you forcing players to only look at the Grandmaster champ during the fight and not your own champ.
2: when you pause you are gonna loose the rythem of the fight and most likly gonna be hit bad when you unpause again.
It dosent help that dex, parry and intercept aint working as it suppost to either, atleast in this fight where it is higly depends on it to work how it is suppost to stand a deasent chanse to beat him.
For these reason and probely more we really ned some icons for the different challanges you get during the fight....
But the problem is that ther is no icons for them under the Grandmaster nametag.
All you get is the challange in purple writhing on the Grandmaster champ and a timer icon that shows when it has to be completed by.
So if you miss the purple info writhing about the challange you have to pause and look in the pause menu for what the challange is.
This create a problem in manny ways.
1: you forcing players to only look at the Grandmaster champ during the fight and not your own champ.
2: when you pause you are gonna loose the rythem of the fight and most likly gonna be hit bad when you unpause again.
It dosent help that dex, parry and intercept aint working as it suppost to either, atleast in this fight where it is higly depends on it to work how it is suppost to stand a deasent chanse to beat him.
For these reason and probely more we really ned some icons for the different challanges you get during the fight....