Why 3*s are still there in cav crystals !! Please stop it

Whyyyyyyyy I mean whyyyyyyy I always get 3*s from cav crystals I popped 5 world's end crystal and got all 3*s not a single 5*s or 6*s ... I m thronebreaker why do I need 3*s . It is frustrating
Or bring thronebreaker crystals instead
Or bring thronebreaker crystals instead
Why 3*s are still there in cav crystals !! Please stop it 190 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Gotta understand there are NEW PLAYERS everyday...
discount the cav and below
They did discount the basic cavs for throne breakers
I haven’t used units on a crystal in over a year. Too risky.
Ex. These polls are the equivalent to saying "Ice cream is the best. Do you:
1. Love chocolate ice cream and think it is the best food ever
2. Wish that other kinds of frozen dessert like gelato or frozen custard or ice cream alternatives were more available
3. I [a]m bot need leaf
An alternative and less biased poll might include opposing options such as "I'm not a huge fan of ice cream" or "If you eat lots of ice cream and don't lose weight because of it, you might have been able to predict that" (directly corresponding to opinions like "I never really focus on cavs so I don't care" or "Wow, you keep getting the most likely result from a randomly generated system?"). Some people think that cavs are well balanced. Some people like a chance based game. Some people like salads (gonna equate them to arenas here, hot take everyone) because they have a proven and measurable benefit or just because they like them. Of course you don't like to lose, but you seem generally upset about it, and I don't see how this poll is supposed to help....
You also are using free crystals (I presume that you didn't pay for those, although you can now pay for extras) as an example. Plenty of quests have guaranteed rewards, like resources or a guaranteed level of champion. Kabam has found a nice way to introduce a few extra cavs into side quests and monthly content that at a base minimum provides what you have received. Personally, I have received 2 3* champions, one 5* Nebula dupe, and a 6* Nebula dupe. I had terrible luck for a long time, and actually have kept stats on every cav ever opened on my account. There are long streaks where I pulled only 3* champs with the occasional 4*, and then there will be times where you might open several 6* champs within 5 crystals. That's how it works.
If you don't want to see me hyperanalyze things..... well then this post is not the post for you my friend. Let us look at the OP.
"Whyyyyyyyy I mean whyyyyyyy......It is frustrating".....Fair, I guess. It do be like that sometimes.
"I always get 3*s from cav crystals" While this is technically possible, because that is how it works, I really, really doubt this.
"I popped 5 world's end crystal and got all 3*s not a single 5*s or 6*s ..." Honestly, not great luck, but also not that surprising. Have you looked at the odds on each crystal? 40% to get a 3*, 31.5% to get a 4*..... It is just over a 1% chance on any given 5 crystals that you open to receive all 3* champs. This is pretty rare (which should make you want to open more cavs).
"I m thronebreaker why do I need 3*s ." I'm going to assume that you already know about the Variant chapter requiring 3* champs. Other than that, they provide synergies for more rare champions that you don't have at a higher level (laugh all you want, but I had to use a 3* Heimdall until like two weeks ago and I've been TB for a long time). They blast through some lower level arenas with the 3x boosts that are readily available. Past base levels, you do not NEED them to progress through the game, but they sure as heck can make an impact on your roster and give you increased 4* shards, which is better for iso, and shards for all higher tier champs. If you want a guaranteed champ level, only open tier specific crystals.
"Or bring thronebreaker crystals instead" I would actually be cool with this, but it has a major problem. For them to not break the game, they have to be introduced relatively slowly and expensively. That means that you're more likely to open a lot of cav crystals for every one TB crystal you might get. (this all come with the caveat that most players will not dump obscene amounts of money on said crystals. If that is you, then you probably don't care). The next evolution of crystals has been introduced (mythic) and is relatively lackluster. My prediction is that TB crystals will not come in until at least after 7.4 is released, if not much later.
I had some free time and wanted to rant, but I really do sympathize with the overall feeling of the OP. I've been there, and your luck might turn around. It might not, because that is how chance works, but the likelihood is that it will. Take that as you will.
Just one advice go and get a life .. don't get mad over a game loll
For higher progression players prices should be reduced , 6* should be more available ..there's a need of tb crystals else fuuk this game
Featured Cavs should not have 4*s! No need for a “Thronebreaker” crystal, just remove 3*s from all featured Cavs since these are rarer, more expensive crystals. Featured Cavs should always award a 4* minimum so you at least get some iso for your hard earned featured Cav. Drop rates would be the same but just combine the 3*&4* drop rate into a 71% 4* drop rate.
Thronebreaker players can't stuck over 3*s I already have every champ as 3* why do I need them when I open a cav crystal ... ??
Change the crystals ?? It's frustrating to get 3* from cav crystals !!!. You have to listen sir it's a request