Halfway through Season 30....

So we are halfway through Season 30, and I must say I am quite enjoying it so far, there are still some major issues I would like to see changed but its still my favorite gamemode. I must say people really over exaggurated highground, it is really not as difficult as made out to be. Highground being tuned down to 750 on the altitude charges was a fine choice and it makes the tactic more "bearable" I guess. Of course there are some tough matchups but overall highground is quite a solid tactic, much better than useless untouchables or something like OG siphon which was horrific, I wouldn't mind highground for another season or so. Going forward I would like to see a new map soon, We have had this current map for like 1.5ish years, and it gets a little bit boring, so change would be nice. Another issue for me is the attacker tactics. The current attacker tactic is absolutley useless and I hope going forward with season 31 it gets changed and/or improved. I am really looking forward to attacker bans next season, It will become a huge factor in wins/losses with proper planning. Overall I am fine with the current state of AW, some things need to be changed I am still not a fan of the tie decider being time. It is better than both alliances losing, but not the best thing in existance. 45 minute timers have been here for quite some time now, and it is one of my favorite things they have ever done to AW, making timezones far more bearable.War is still amazing and I wish everyone good luck in their final 6 wars
