Cyber Weekend Fails

So everyone's been bragging about how awesome they did with cyber Weekend, is there anyone else who feels out of place with their rewards and is just to ashamed to make a thread like this and share it?

Worst part is, I almost decided to spend the units on cavs. Should have done.
Gonna grind 200 more units and buy a consolation cav.
But I didn’t exactly whale out beyond the smallest offers.
Dr. Zola
Also got sym spidey on the backend from another basic, definitely not just you. In fact my only good "pull" from all of it was the guaranteed reward from the 2020 selector, otherwise garbage results as usual top to bottom. Apparently my holiday openings are just cursed because I haven't opened a good champ on cyber weekend or July 4th over the last two years (2020 and 2021).
$100 for the class crystal and this is what I get. I took Jubs only because I like her coat, seriously.