Who would you use 6* awakening gem on? Need help.

Out of the 4 champs below, I would most likely use CGR the most but his awakening isn't required. I use Prof X only in event quest. Using this gem on AA or Guardian would almost require me to take them to R3 if I'm passing up both CGR and Prof X. I do not have enough stones to take them up that much, most likely to sig 60 under any of these scenarios.
Who would you use 6* awakening gem on? Need help. 87 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
I've done a fair bit of content but not really looking to complete Abyss. Completed Act 7 Chapters 1 and 2 (not explored) and looking to jump into Chpater 3 at some point.
Appreciate the question and it's definitely a fair point. I think my roster is diversified enough whereby I have more of a luxury to make this decision.
Guardian is insane imo. He's on my attack team virtually every war. But you'll need an abundance of sig stones to take full advantage of your 6 star. But you can definitely used the maxed 5 until then.
A quick list of some of his Abilities:
Crazy Block Proficiency, Energy and Bleed Resistance (at max sig). At sig 200 he can fight Magik, Iceman.. and others like that who deal energy damage. I mean, basically any champ with energy damage (this applies to blocked hits as well, think Apoc specials for example).
He also gives a portion of this Block Proficiency to your team as well.
Can parry non-contact hits. Think Domino, Maw, Havok, Prof X... and others. While there are ways to Parry or Reparry these characters, this ability comes in handy for high pressure fights like war. And mitigating things like High Ground. Landing easy Parries allows you to focus on the nodes and other abilities. And not rely on AI cooperation for Reparry when it's critical you land a heavy or an attack asap.
Can Parry (perfect block) specials. Think about some annoying projectiles.
Can block Unblockable Specials from Mutants (ties in with Parry ability as well).
Has an Armor buff.. so Havok, etc. (Just don't drop sp2 without having more than one Armor Buff - land heavy for another Armor first) 😅
Speaking of Domino.. He shocks her if she attempts to Crit Fail him. Besides Nimrod, he's the ultimate Domino counter.
Cannot land crits... so we know what that is good for. Sinister, Rage Node, Safeguard (red numbers do not count), Kitty Pride...the list goes on. So much for a "quick list"... I ended up geeking out.
I have a skill AG and unduped Nick as 6 star. I also have a duped Nick as 5 star. So I'm actually holding onto the AG for later.