An Idea to solve the gifting event problems

ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
edited December 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Greetings fellow summoners and kabam I have come up with an Idea to solve this problem since it hurts kabam a lot and also this Idea will help them too The Idea is:

Keep a limit for gifting to one summoner like 5 times for one summoner so that we can gift more people and no exploits can happen
(and take all of this in the holiday spirit) @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra


  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    and in return remove the 20th november cutoff date or the level 40 cutoff :)o:)
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    and whoever agrees or disagrees write the reason as a comment
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★
    Good lord no. What if you have a special someone who also plays the game, and you want to gift multiple items to them e.g. a child or spouse? This will be a totally unnecessary limitation in this case.
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    @Addyos maybe kabam can give an option to buy a Larger limit using real money or maybe only sigil bearer get like a Larger limit
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    YES @Addyos
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    and also at the end of the day we should not be selfish and only gift ourselves but everyone
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    @GrandOldKai and @Addyos maybe kabam will make it 15 as a limit one one summoner and you can buy using real money and get 20 or 25 as the limit
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    Everyone if you gift only yourself you will be happy but if you gift many people they will too be happy and there will not be such a big gap between rich and not rich players o:)
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    I can bet that @tidusx2jr that you have at least one alt account man don't be selfish
  • tidusx2jrtidusx2jr Member Posts: 182 ★★
    ZAndoo said:

    I can bet that @tidusx2jr that you have at least one alt account man don't be selfish

  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★
    edited December 2021
    @ZAndoo trying to get around the restrictions Kabam has implemented for this year’s Gifting event, by applying a new restriction, and then putting a paywall to get around this new restriction, is not a good game design to put it mildly. Some have also invested many hours or real money into their accounts, main or alts, so why should they restricted from gifting items to whom they want to?

    Your idea will make the Gifting event even more convoluted than it already is and will infuriate the community even more by adding a prohibitive restriction blocked by a paywall. I’m not on board with this.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    ZAndoo said:

    @GrandOldKai and @Addyos maybe kabam will make it 15 as a limit one one summoner and you can buy using real money and get 20 or 25 as the limit

    U want us to buy with real cash.y?
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    no don't get me wrong maybe units like cyberweekend or gold like deadpools day
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Bro, the idea of gifting not just yourself but others is pretty solid.except, I got scammed once.and that's y I decided to create an alt just to gift myself and save me from that ridiculous trouble.people are gon take advantage of what u suggesting and it won't end well.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Bare in mind my alt is just level 29 and don't even plan on playing just for gifting.its boring as
  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 653 ★★
    ZAndoo said:

    Greetings fellow summoners and kabam I have come up with an Idea to solve this problem since it hurts kabam a lot and also this Idea will help them too The Idea is:

    Keep a limit for gifting to one summoner like 5 times for one summoner so that we can gift more people and no exploits can happen
    (and take all of this in the holiday spirit) @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    So I run 2 accounts, my main and a side (zero spend) account. Why should I be restricted in any way in gifting between the 2??
    I've purposely accrued over 10k units on my 2nd account with the SOLE PURPOSE of gifting my main account when gifting starts. All that earned from auto fighting and a handful of crystals.... had I chosen to, I could've accrued way more units. My choice to do that and my time spent - I could've easily done the same with a 3rd, 4th or even more accounts but I chose to stop at 1 alt account.
    Either way, I've earned those units why shouldn't I benefit from them?

    I've never disagreed so quickly or completely with anyone's post as this one.
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    Maybe kabam can create a gifting system where you put what you want to gift and kabam locates another person who wants to gift like the arena system where kabam matches us with a different player so the chances of getting scammed is not there
  • DarkGuardianDarkGuardian Member Posts: 204 ★★
    ZAndoo said:

    Maybe kabam can create a gifting system where you put what you want to gift and kabam locates another person who wants to gift like the arena system where kabam matches us with a different player so the chances of getting scammed is not there

    but there is still a chance
  • RichTheManRichTheMan Member Posts: 203 ★★★
    I can imagine Kabam will each year evolve this event until one year everyone will be happy. However what you are pitching is too similar to the Lunar Event.
  • ZAndooZAndoo Member Posts: 77
    @RichTheMan that is true but didn't understand the part about the lunar event
  • chastiserchastiser Member Posts: 2
    Gift giving activities should add a limit on the number of heroes. For example, 40 four-star heroes in the invasion mission can open a new mileage! I found that many trumpets in the world's personal tasks are practicing level madly to reach the gift limit of level 40!
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    Nah, this is the wrong way to go about it. In my alliance, we have a wide variety of players who spend varying amounts of units on the gifting event. As someone who usually is in the upper echelon of that spending, I gift what I can with those who only have a limited amount of units to spend while simultaneously gifting a lot with the alliance mates who, like me, have a ton of units to burn. This way, everyone's happy.

    Your idea would hamper my alliance's ability to allow members to spend however many units they choose to without pressuring them to meet any certain amount. Let me break it down.

    Let's say I have 3000 units = 10 GGCs.

    Alliance mate A also has 3000 units = 10 GGCs.

    Alliance mate B has 600 units = 2 GGCs.

    If both Member A and I trade a crystal with Member B, Member B will be out of units. That's not a problem currently because Member A and I can trade the remaining 9 crystals between ourselves. However, if we can only trade 5 crystals...who are we supposed to trade the remaining 4 crystals with? Obviously it's a simplified example but hopefully it still illustrates how difficult it would be to allow in people who don't like to spend a lot of units (either by grinding arena constantly or using money on offers) into the alliance. I don't have a problem with it because we're a very casual alliance where the top brass can splurge on what they want and the lower tier members can use their more limited resources on whatever they feel comfortable with, with neither side (or anyone in between) requiring anything from the other.
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