Flash when gold awarded

With the November update Kabaam introduced a flash when a fight was finished and gold awarded in Story and Event Quests. Something nice, and that breaks accessibility standards since it causes problems with those who can’t tolerate bright, flashy things.
We were told this would be addressed ASAP, or next patch. Well, the December update came out and the bright flash is still there.
I didn’t play quests during November because making myself sick playing a game is stupid. Will this be addressed, or should I consider it Kabaams way of telling me it’s time to move on?
We were told this would be addressed ASAP, or next patch. Well, the December update came out and the bright flash is still there.
I didn’t play quests during November because making myself sick playing a game is stupid. Will this be addressed, or should I consider it Kabaams way of telling me it’s time to move on?