SQ legendary difficulty thoughts?

Seems simple to me, with not so huge health pools, decent rewards and not too long quests. Even though it has energy cost but I feel it's okay with the recent energy refills we have got.
Yes. Not too long either. Overall looks good design for week 1. Hopefully it continues for other weeks as well!
Agreed! This feels like a side quest.
It's simple and straightforward. Side quests shouldn't be overly complicated. They are on the side if you want to do it. If you find it boring then don't do it!
I LOVE it, so far.
Seems like a bone to the cry Babies, which found the last months to hard.
But lets wait and see what the other Weeks will bring to us, because thats to easy for legendary
I guess the old time vet players could do with a newer level of difficulty but the current legendary difficulty is in line with what it should be. A newer higher difficulty for TBs would definitely help them.
This month feels more like a gift. My weaker accounts should be able to get thru epic, and my cav accounts should easily beat legendary. My TB account already has done all levels.
If nothing else, it’s tons of iso, will all those GM/cav crystals.
Much easier with better rewards
No more 70k aspect of evolution apoc boss
I hate AQ for the same reason I hate no brainer side quests, they're boring. When you have to run them multiple times, it makes it even worse. I want fun and challenging.