Are you actually enjoying in playing Cavalier difficulty Monthly Event Quest

Answer honestly from all perspective including bugs and nodes and so on.
Are you actually enjoying in playing Cavalier difficulty Monthly Event Quest 137 votes
Enjoy Very Much
14 votes
Enjoy Somehow
13 votes
25 votes
Hate Somehow
22 votes
Hate Strongly
63 votes
Very enjoyable when you get the node furies, otherwise a longer fight than usual if you don’t have the tag champs imo.
I also think the Luke Cage boss was over the top.
Other than that I had a lot of fun with it. If you use the nodes and get cross charges, any champ can hit really hard.
I assume this is the correct response since I have completed one pass all the way through Cavalier, but haven’t felt inclined to go back again. No items apart from a pair of heal pots on 3.1 (I think). But also not a ton of enjoyment either.
Dr. Zola
I've yet to see it if it's been given, but I think the community as a whole deserves an apology from the quest dev(s) for 3.1 of cav eq this month. Not only for implementing a node that demands reparrying when so many are having issues with simple parries, but for some of the defender choices (a path with stealthy and domino? really?) as well.
I explored all four quests before 3.1 (I explore before doing an initial clear, easier to 100% a quest once I have a feel of the nodes/champs being used), and now it feels like a bit of a waste. No way I'm wasting time/resources on 3.1 exploration. Not a huge loss, but this is content I look forward to every month. Hoping this doesn't turn into a trend. I'm fine with new nodes, happy even, but not if they're going to be this tone-deaf about designing them.
Dr. Zola
The mercenary one is absolutely horrible though (only one I have left to 100%). Not enjoying that at all and don’t feel inclined to go back and finish it.
For the evade one I thought that was one of the easier, I used venom and just parried/heavied and was stacking evades constantly. His quick heavy plus its long reach worked well.
I find myself now checking inventory on all the tags and seeing what champions I have ranked up for each. If there is a Robot or X-Men quest next time that would be dope.