In Honor of MCOC 7th Year, Share Your Favorite Memories of the Past!

I remember when this game came out the christmas season right before Age of Ultron the following spring - which was also the first tie in event!
I was in high school at the time. PHC were addictive because everyone wanted a 4 star lol! Alliance chat was just as bad as it is today and bases were still being talked about in roadmaps!
I am pretty sure Superior Iron Man was the first added champ and I was so hyped cause of the current comic run an now he is just sad dud lol.
Regardless of the current state of game, Most of us keep coming back to MCOC because we enjoy it an love Marvel. In terms of app store games for marvel this is the best out their IMO an the constant monthly updates are fantastic and keep the game fresh. My favorite part of the game is still the characters and seeing the improvement from over the years has been very enjoyable. The animations this year have been some of the best and the future of characters is definitely bright!
Lets keep the thread nice! Share any memories or funny moments you've got! Memories from the forum are also welcomed!
I was in high school at the time. PHC were addictive because everyone wanted a 4 star lol! Alliance chat was just as bad as it is today and bases were still being talked about in roadmaps!
I am pretty sure Superior Iron Man was the first added champ and I was so hyped cause of the current comic run an now he is just sad dud lol.
Regardless of the current state of game, Most of us keep coming back to MCOC because we enjoy it an love Marvel. In terms of app store games for marvel this is the best out their IMO an the constant monthly updates are fantastic and keep the game fresh. My favorite part of the game is still the characters and seeing the improvement from over the years has been very enjoyable. The animations this year have been some of the best and the future of characters is definitely bright!
Lets keep the thread nice! Share any memories or funny moments you've got! Memories from the forum are also welcomed!
Pulling a 4* storm from a premium long ago
First champ I got from arena. I had about 10 4*s so I had to set an alarm for every 2 hours and do some unit refreshes to get to 3.1 million.
And… probably December 2020, there was a lot to do that month.
(...someone had to go there.)
Was that mcoc's first true boss fight? Not really counting thanos, kang, or maestro here. Correct me if i'm wrong!
The first time I beat the Collector with rank 4 4*s was insane. It was such a difficult fight with a bunch of 4*s but completing that was such a relief and felt like I actually accomplished something in the game.
The next was when I went for last 5* featured crystals in the game to get Blade. I got a Medusa and got Blade and duped Blade the very next day from a regular 5* crystal. It was a weird feeling to get the best champ in the game and getting him awakened.
The last time was when I pulled Big Daddy Apoc (twice) and a Warlock, all in a row. It was pretty wild. Haven't felt the same feeling of accomplishment since then tbh. I haven't done Abyss and LoL and I am not going to do those pieces of content cuz I can't be asked to complete those quests.
1) 12.0 - not just the nerfing of champions but I relate that time to iceman’s release in the game and the headaches caused. They just nerfed my only two r5 4* (bw and capww2) but still pushed through and 100% masters.
2) rockets scrapyard, mostly because this type of side quest was new never seen before and choosing your own rewards was unique at the time.
3) Doctor Strange’s rifts first iteration, again just something new and they just introduced portals in the game. They’ve gone a bit crazy since then but to this points there were no portals.
On my 1st try of the 5 star featured
- Mutant Treasure island because I got ridiculously lucky and pulled a Platpool without paying for any of the deals.
- I did love Rocket's scrapyard and Strange's rifts because they were such new ideas in the game at the time (and sue me, but I still love the rifts design. It is similar to the crazy odds of like a GGC, but you actually physically got to see all of the items represented on a map. Just a different style of rng).
- I remember when I only had 7 5* champs and I awakened my SheHulk and thought "wow, that is so worthless. When will I ever use her?" and then finally hearing about the buff way later on. I actually had a ton of buffed champs pre-buff and always got so disappointed when I pulled them, so hearing about buffs always excites me. Love that Kabam is willing to do that and not just scrap old champs.
- Finally pulling Aegon. Had an AG and sig stones saved for him for literal year(s, maybe. It felt like that long at least).
- First time I ever pulled a 4* from a PHC was literally more than two years after I first downloaded the game. I know it might be lame, because I already had 5* champs, but I was just so shocked.